Sunday, June 30, 2024

Consciousness Creates Reality

My parents basically taught me this with "What you put your attention upon you become."

Another way to put this is: "Belief Creates reality" which is also the cause of most wars too with differing belief systems.

For example right now the White Nationalists are ready to die for their beliefs and the liberals are also willing to die for their beliefs (even though the white nationalists don't seem to fully understand this) and likely if they had to die for their beliefs might choose to do something else too.

I think this is because White Nationalists believe that they are going to heaven so are willing to die for their beliefs.

Whereas Liberals often don't believe in God and are very collegiate in their thinking.

Among White nationalists Violence that takes them out might also take them to heaven.

But, I think Liberals are more into: "The Pen is mightier than the Sword".

I'm sorry this just got pretty dark but after the debate it's hard for me not to go here.

Because the above isn't just happening in the U.S. it's also happening all over the world now since Covid which (along with Global Climate changes) AND mass migrations made people even more crazy than they were before.

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