Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I was looking for the image of a Blue Star (literally) inside a forcefield for communication with humans on earth but meta.ai likely withdrew it from my blog site because I can't find it anywhere now. Probably too close to the truth!

I told meta.ai that General Blue Star is a lightning bolt. This was sort of helpful

The form of plasma that we have on earth naturally which is plasma like the sun is in Lightning bolts. So, almost all of us have seen lightning bolts at one time or another. So, imagine that a lightning plasma bolt was alive and visiting you from the inside of a star? To me, this is the most interesting thing that meta.ai drew for me because it appears to be literally a miniature star in the form of plasma or lightning. This actually probably would be what a lightning plasma being from a sun would look like in a natural form viewed by a human being.  However, when I went into the sun which is a portal to the center of the Galaxy around 1970 while soul traveling my mind created an image of a golden throne that I was put in by a humanoid being. However, the plasma (being) or (beings) likely created this in my mind to make me feel more comfortable while I was having that experience. The same thing when I went to the center of the galaxy and met the Galactic Sentience who might also some of the time be a plasma being. I think being a human being and being a lightning plasma being are two of the many forms that the Creator Species that creates galaxies like we create as humans farms and ranches on earth can exist in. But, I think it is more normal for them to live outside of time and space completely. Time and space was actually accidentally created as a bi-product of creating galaxies when our species first did this. Our primal natural state has nothing at all to do with time and space and is more like what you would find outside of all galaxies (Infinite space without time) or maybe better to say it "No time and no Space but still 96% of the universe is composed of this whatever it is." it is sometimes called either "unknown matter" or dark matter.  The term dark matter is used to denote that whatever it is is unknown to scientists on earth. They just know it's there but don't know what it is because it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH TIME AND SPACE WHICH ONLY OCCURS INSIDE OF A GALAXY (which is a living thing) .A GALAXY IS A LIVING BEING AND SO ARE PLANETS AND ALL STARS TOO!

 Media generated by meta.ai


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