Thursday, June 27, 2024

I love to write but that doesn't mean I'm any good at Editing

I find that the longer things I write especially are more like my children than anything else in some ways. They are a part of me and a part of God that flows through me for God's purposes. Because of this the last thing I really want to do is to edit what God writes through me simply because even if it is a little rough around the edges it is still God writing through me.

How did I get this way?

I was dying of whooping cough at 2 and the angels came and saved my life. Then I got a concussion rock climbing with my father at around age 9 in Chilao in the Angeles National Forest above the Greater Los Angeles area in California. I fell back and hit the back of my head but because I was young I thought that I was dying maybe because I was throwing up and had a severe headache. However, this was likely 1957 at that time and there weren't any helicopters that were going to come and rescue me. My father who was born in 1916 knew this and so the only way he could get me out of there because we were pretty remote at the time was to get me to climb a rock face to get back to his truck. So, as I was throwing up and crying and telling him I thought I was dying he just was very firm. Because the only way he felt he could save me was to be harsh enough on me to walk out under my own power at that point. No one was going to rescue me except my Dad or me. So, just like his Dad before him who was born in the 1870s he was harsh enough to get me out of there. At the time I thought my Dad was being cruel. However, looking back what else was he going to do in 1957? He did what his father did for him and his brothers and sisters and simply told them to get up and get moving even if they were throwing up and had a bad headache. So, I complained but I didn't want my father to abandon me to die there all alone out in the wilderness either. So, I did as he said and toughed it out so I wouldn't be left there all alone to die which I felt was coming pretty fast as a 9 year old.

This caused me to have night time seizures at a rate of once a month or every 6 months until I was 15 years old.

At age 15 I begged God to come live in my body with me. And he did.

I wouldn't recommend asking God to come live in your body with you because this is pretty intense if God actually answers your prayers and does this. It's sort of like you become like one of the prophets out of the old Testament or something in actuality.

However, I wasn't the kind of person who wanted to be a preacher. I was more someone who God always worked through me and my aura ever since. 

"The Lord works in mysterious Ways!"

So, since age 15 this has been my experience of God living in my body so I belong to God because this is what I asked for so I wouldn't die and God Granted my request and is still here at age 76.

My whole life since then has been a series of Miracles ongoing. My whole life has been lived by God's Grace.

I always knew that I was too supernaturally powerful before this for God to let me stay alive unless he was running the show.

So, I have been a Temple of God here on earth since I was 15 years old. However, I must say it was pretty scary for me until I was 30 years old and could handle it better.

After that I realized I was a blessing from God to all Beings in the Universe.

This is my experience.

By God's Grace

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