Friday, June 28, 2024

I never liked Facebook anyway

 Because they are the very worst in stealing all information they can find about you and then selling it to others. Google is pretty bad too but none as Facebook in all this. However, at this point there could be people actually worse than Facebook in all of this now.

So, though I kept a Facebook Account for emergencies like last summer we couldn't find someone (a distant relative) who lives remotely in a motor home. She went off the radar and we didn't know what to do. However, then my son's wife said, "Look for her on Facebook because I have seen her there". So, we did that and found out what had happened. Someone had stolen her Smartphone and Wallet and she was stranded with no real way to contact anyone except by Facebook. So, I can see having a Facebook account just for rescuing someone you might now after this.

However, I still won't use my real name to log onto Facebook so this ended my relationship over AI stuff recently. So, not only can't I use Facebook Account but I also cannot use either.

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