Friday, December 17, 2010

An Intuitive's Response to Nuclear Problems

I have been an intuitive all my life. It is not always a comfortable way to be. However, it does enable a person gifted in this way to survive almost anything if he or she listens to what they sense. The hardest part is to separate momentary thoughts and feeling from something deeper which relates to future or soon to happen events. Once one develops this skill, one can often sense what is coming and get out of the way of dangerous life threatening events. So, in the case of what is now happening on earth I have learned through past experience that the thing to do is to make people aware of problems that could be coming. So, in warning people of possible events people, each in their own way, some through prayer, others through intelligence and technology and others by miscellaneous means prevent mass deaths by their combined skills. So, I guess what I'm saying is that during the next 3 to 6 months the world needs to be very careful. The second 6 months won't be easy but the problems will have changed to something different and likely more easily manageable than what is presently going on. So, the hardest to control directly will be the next 3 to 6 months. So, if you are a praying person now is the time.

The following are three blogs that I wrote to define more precisely some of the problems we are facing.

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