Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Kind To Yourself and All Beings

The purpose of this is quite simple. People who actually do this daily tend to create Heaven realms right here on earth wherever they are. People who do this have people watch and follow their examples of kindness.

Recently, I had a very rewarding experience. A relative of mine said to me over Skype, "You are the Gift that Keeps on Giving". I was sort of amazed that anyone would actually say something like that to me. However, I realized what they were saying was true. God has put me in a position to be a kind and giving person. It wasn't always that way. I worked and prayed for years to be in the position in life to be able to be that person. But, as you take care of yourself and others ongoing often if you live long enough you get into the position in life where you too become, "The Gift that keeps on Giving". Of course the person who makes this possible really is God (if you believe in God) or Buddha (if you believe in Buddha) or whatever you believe that keeps you alive and going.

But, basically everyone agrees that being kind to yourself and others brings happiness to more and more of mankind. And as people witness your example, they will tend to follow your example of kindness to yourself and all other beings and start creating their own heaven realms here on earth for themselves, their families and their friends.

How does one start?

The best way I can put this is "Self parenting". Often many of us are left bereft without what we need emotionally or physically to survive. So, it is in realizing we need to self parent ourselves through kindness to ourselves that we begin the journey to wholeness within and without. Some call this process the process of enlightenment.

However, an easy way to start is to say to yourself while you are in front of your mirror, "I love you and God loves you!" If you can do this without laughing or even if you are laughing do this until you believe it. The point is to fill yourself with so much love for yourself that it overflows into the world with your kindness towards yourself and all other beings.

Though this is a Buddhist saying, "This has been my single most powerful tool to become more enlightened, whole and a constantly kind, helpful and giving being."

May All Beings Attain Bliss and the Cause of Blisss
May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering
May all beings never be without the Supreme Bliss that is free
of all near and far all grasping and Aversion

Often I will (since around 1980) walk around during the day having this run in my mind ongoing while experiencing it's reality in fullness. This reconditions your subconscious and tends to create the reality of this in your past, present and future by creating through your mind and actions. I have even on many occasions awakened in the morning after running this through my mind all night long. For me, experiencing the truth of this all the time is inspirational and I find I can experience beings throughout all galaxies experiencing this in the past, present and future everywhere as a result. This is incredibly empowering beyond anything I have ever experienced (unless it was meeting God when I was a young man).

However, kindness towards oneself and all other beings creates the heavens right here on earth we all want to live in where suffering just doesn't exist anymore. And this spreads out for us and everyone around us starts to live in these heavens too.

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