Friday, February 28, 2014

Rain Bands hitting California

The present set of rain bands hitting California (there could be more coming) have mostly moved inland (except for a few places) past Sacramento. Further South it is a different story with large bands still hitting from Ventura to San Diego and into Tijuana, Mexico. Also, heavy bands are hitting the Las Vegas Areas as well in Nevada. Snow is coming down above 7000 feet along most of  the Sierras as well in abundance. Luckily where I am there are enough hills so we are not in a flood plain near the ocean, although within 10 to 20 miles there are rivers moving out to sea, so flooding is less of a problem where I live than other places around here nearby.

Some of the larger rain cells are letting loose to the west and to the North of Phoenix in Arizona as well as in Nevada near Las Vegas.

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