Thursday, April 14, 2016

We All Must design the Future

Each person designs the future by what they do now. The more thought and foresight one applies to their futures the better the potential futures for themselves and their children. There will always be successes and failures in many ways for everyone. However, thinking about "What can I do to make my life better and my children's lives better" is one of the ways we do this. By doing even this we help design a better future at the very least for our families. Writing is one way to help design a better future for yourself and mankind. Sharing ideas of ways to create a future can be helpful if you are practical enough.

Remember: "Nothing ventured nothing Gained" is not only about being an entrepreneur it is about human survival on an individual and group level too worldwide.

So, if you have a good idea one way is to write about your good idea or ideas so people can benefit from them and design a better future for themselves and hopefully for all mankind too.

"A good idea shared is less suffering for all beings potentially."

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