Thursday, October 26, 2017

Learning to be in the Right Place at the Right Time

One of the many reasons Jesus' and Buddha's teaching are still around 2000 and 2500 years respectively is that they learned how to be in the right place at the right time all the time which maximizes the good your lifetime can exert on the time and space of all beings here on earth into perpetuity (forever).

The first part of learning this is "Perfect Being". Perfect being is compassion for all sentient life in the universe in the past present and future.

Then after having attained "perfect Being" one listens to the needs of all life in the universe and finds ways to manifest what is needed by all sentience in the past, present and future.

Part of this is finding your perfect pathway through all time and space which is knowing where you need to be both in consciousness and physically in every moment in a perfect way.

This is most easily attainable if you either own your own business or are independently wealthy. However, some people just "wing it" through parts of their lives too and arrive at the same place.

But, it always begins with perfect being which comes from infinite compassion for oneself and  all others.

A part of this is infinitely efficient right mindful compassion which is infinitely efficient instead of idiot compassion which often gets people killed in the short and long run.

Being compassionate in the most practical way possible is the beginning of being in the right place at the right time always.

This is why (one of millions of reasons) that the teachings of Jesus and Buddha are still here when teachings of many others are not, all the way to  2000 and 2500 AD respectively.

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