Saturday, May 29, 2021

I was both a victim and a benficiary of HERD immunity in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s until 1985


Because my parents didn't believe in Vaccinations because they had beliefs similar to Christian Science people who don't go to doctors much or at all. 

How did I fare?

Well. It was good in that my immune system is much much stronger than most people around me. The bad news was I almost died of whooping cough but the Archangels saved me when I was 2. Otherwise, mostly I have an immune system like the people who survived the 1800s. However, if you had 5 kids in the 1800s you likely could expect 3 of them to live to 10 years of age and maybe 2 of them would survive to age 20. This was how it actually was back then.

So, I have always had and extremely good immune system because I was strong to begin with immunologically speaking.

But, there are also disadvantages to herd immunity besides Whooping cough which is extremely contagious by the way. For example, when I got a burst appendix they could not diagnose my burst appendix because my immune system is so strong I had no white cells in my blood to diagnose my toxic condition from a burst appendix so I almost died before they could diagnose it about a week later. I finally said: "Hey! Something's wrong with me here and it isn't just gastritis like you originally diagnosed. It's much more serious than that. So, they did a Cat Scan and told me I would die without an operation and I'm not even sure they got that right either.

What I found out from friends is that they had relatives who had burst appendixes in their families and people either got better or died without an operation. This was how it was in the past before operations.

My best friend's Dad had a burst appendix and survived it without an operation.

Sepsis is what most people die of from a burst appendix by the way and I heard horror stories of many people who had to spend 40 days or more in the hospital only to barely recover at all in some kind of diminished capacity. 

What happened to me is that no one told me that after the operation I could get a hernia from the operation just from coughing. So, now I have a large umbilical hernia that I'm likely too old to have a screen put in for a variety of reasons.

most countries don't do hernia operations if the patient is over 65 by the way unless the patient is dying from the hernia or something like that.

Note: if you read the title it just means I got a lot of vaccines and medicines so I could go safely to places like India, Nepal, Thailand and other places in Asia at the time in 1985.

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