Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Zeitgeist of the Moment?

 There was a zeitgeist that happened organically regarding people finally realizing that the Octopus was the single most intelligent non-vertaabrate in the ocean.

And I remember being a part of this zeitgeist likely starting in 1989 and 1990. I didn't have a computer blog of any kind yet because they basically didn't exist yet and we had gone from Hana Maui where my wife and 3 of my children all lived in Hana Maui, Hawaii then to Kahului Airport because my mother had just flown over from the California mainland to visit us and we picked her up in our large Ford Van we owned then on Maui.

So, after we picked my mother up at the Kahului Airport (the main airport on maui) (even though there are at least 2 others) we decided to get a motel room because it was a hot and humid day and we didn't want to do the "Road to Hana" which is always an adventure to travel on any day or night that day once more.

I promptly climbed into the hotel   bathtub to "Cool Down' and to meditate and pray.

Soon, a 10 foot tall Octopus shows up and says to me: "Hey. Could I speak with you?"

At first, my first reaction would be like yours: "What do I do with this information and what is it really?"

But, unlike most of you maybe I had already been trained by Native American Medicine men as well as Tibetan Lamas into a type of Shamanic thinking which if you are wise you know that this is initially where science came from (the medicine men and women of all tribes on earth trying to heal their sick as best they could.

So, I decided to be "Patient" with this being and asked what it wanted?

It said to me: "I am one of your future incarnations and I am a time traveler. I'm here to study you because it will help both of us live better lives."

I pretty much had decided until he said: "We are the same soul in two bodies to blow this whole thing off. However, I sensed he was telling me the truth. And After I got out of the bathroom I wrote as much down of this experience so I could eventually study this more or share it with others. I think I finally shared it on line possibly as early as Summer of 1999 when I started my very first website.But, it likely wasn't read that much until I started both intuitivefred and as blogs in 2007. But, is less a blog and more of an archive site of the longer things I write now.

If you want to know more about what Happened next, here is some of it:


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