Sunday, August 28, 2022


 Often I use "Writing" as a way of seeing what comes up through spontaneous accomplishment.

This is a word that was first introduced to me through Tibetan Buddhism. The way the Tibetan Lamas put it was that a soul waits in timelessness to be born (since time does not usually exist for souls) at least the way humans experience time.

So, the way they put this was that Spontaneous Accomplishment would go something like this. I'm using Jesus for this illustration because most people I know in the U.S. were raised Christian or Secular Christian (Secular Christian just means that they mostly were raised in a Christian culture whether they ARE devout Christians or not or even believe in God or not.

So, the point of Spontaneous Accomplishment seems to be this:

People pray for help from God!

Then from the past, present or future comes Jesus in answer to those prayers bringing forgiveness and kindness and love and help and health ( of all kinds) into their lives.

So, this is a good description of Spontaneous accomplishment from a Tibetan Buddhist point of view with a Christian example given.

The basic point of Spontaneous Accomplishment often comes through the prayers of the suffering here on earth for help from God or Buddha or all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions and the Three times.

By God's Grace

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