Sunday, October 2, 2022

We are putting a solar array on our Santa Barbara house

 We aren't doing the battery system right now because that appears to be about 20,000 dollars more but if you get the right system it can be added in later at your convenience. So, we aren't trying to never have a 24 hours a day battery system but rather don't want to add that expense right now. Besides battery technology is evolving very quickly and batteries likely will just get better and less expensive over time.

But, having a solar array in the area of the home in Santa Barbara will reduce our electricity bill by 84% during the year. So, if you invest in your home with a solar array it can reduce your electricity costs by by this much or more. 

For example, several years ago my cousin put a solar array on his home and it only costs him now 13 dollars a month to stay connected to the regular power grid. He also has a Tesla Model S and a Hybrid plug in Lexus so his gasoline bill is almost zero too. So, by going with a solar array you reduce your monthly electric bill by a whole bunch in the meantime. Of course there is the outlay of money as an investment but it is sort of like when you buy a house when you invest in that house. Eventually, you aren't paying anything to live there except property taxes when your home is paid off. So, it's the long view that one has to think about when you put a solar array on your home or business.

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