Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The amount of computers with magnetic hard drives and self driving cars and planes with computers running movable surfaces will eventually likely kill thousands from a solar flare big enough

 If you do the research (and I have at one point) I wanted to see how many jet passenger planes would be flying at any given time on earth. Because if and when a Solar Flare the size of the Carrington Event of 1859 occurs any jet passenger planes on the side facing the Solar event would crash.

For example, this is a quote regarding how many passenger planes are flying above the U.S. per day?

begin quote:

US Commercial flight carriers are currently conducting about 5,670 passenger flights daily. Roughly 100,000 flights take off and land every day all over the globe.Dec 8, 2020

How Many Flights Per Day? Airline and Flight Statistics (2023)

or: https://www.gaytravel.com/gay-blog/airline-and-flight-statistics

So, if you average 100 people per plane and 5,670 flights you add two zeros to 5,670 

So, this means that approximately 567,000 people could die when the next Carrington event occurs (IF) it happens when the U.S. is facing the sun when the solar events blast the earth.

However, since all these 5,670 flights are not occurring at the same time it is possible that many less planes would crash and people will die when the exact moment that all the computers helping fly planes crash in various ways from the EMP (Electomagnetic pulse) from the sun which would fry the hard drives and circuitry of all magnetic media on that side of the planet above 10 feet below the earth.

However, if this occurred when we were very advanced electronically where cars and rails and trucks are completely automated it would mean many more deaths and injuries on the ground, in ships at sea, in automated trucks not driven by a human being in cars not driven by a human being in robots doing various things and in all computers with magnetic drives failing in the same moment where they were facing the sun when this happened.

However, at present I don't see a way to prevent this catastrophe before it happens.

But, maybe technology will eventually be employed to defeat this problem over time.


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