Thursday, June 29, 2023

I saw a robin eating hawthorn berries

I think as a child I had tried Hawthorn berries but didn't know if they were poisonous or not that were growing wherever I was living growing up. In our back yard next to one of our pine trees grows a bush of these things that I didn't know the name of before. 

A robin landed in our hawthorn bush next to our hot tub outside and wondered if he was competing with me for the berries. Then I watched him gobble down about 20 or more of these berries in our bush or tree. But then I moved to take a picture or video of him doing this and of course he flew away when I tried to grab my IPhone smartphone to do this so I didn't get a video or him doing this or a picture of him. He seemed extremely fit and healthy for a robin so it must be a good year for them this year with all the rain here in California so lots of wild things to eat for them this year. Very healthy looking Robin!

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