Friday, May 31, 2024

This is a reprint from May 18th 2024: I asked Chat GPT 3.5 "What are some of the problems humans are going to encounter as AI self programs more and more?

I think Chat GPT 3.5s explanation which defines 8 different kinds of problems that humans are likely going to have to deal with in regard to AI in the coming years is very useful. 

Some people say we need to stop working on AI. Here is the main problem with that. No matter what places like the U.S. and Canada and Europe do or places like Australia, or New Zealand or India or Japan or other places do, China and Russia are going to be working on AI as a weapon. So, likely there is no other choice if the U.S. and Europe and the rest want to survive as Democracies to compete with Russia and China and North Korea in this. So, in this sense we are on a war footing regarding AI with Russia, China and North Korea already.

If you look at the robot dogs with a machine gun on top of them running around from China you get the idea pretty fast.

begin quote from:

Saturday, May 18, 2024

I asked Chat GPT "What are some of the problems humans are going to encounter as AI self programs more and more?

Here I define the problem in this link:

The problem with AI doing computer programming: or...

Here is Chat GPT's answer to the question I asked in this last article:


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What are some of the problems humans are going to encounter as AI self programs more and more?

As AI becomes more adept at self-programming, several potential problems may arise:

  1. Bias Amplification: If the AI's initial programming contains biases, the self-programming process might inadvertently amplify these biases, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.

  2. Unintended Goals: As AI systems become more autonomous in setting and pursuing their goals, there's a risk that they might pursue objectives that are unintended or even harmful to humans.

  3. Lack of Control: With increasing autonomy in programming, humans may lose control over AI systems, leading to unpredictable behavior or outcomes.

  4. Security Risks: Self-programming AI systems could be vulnerable to exploitation by malicious actors, who may manipulate them to perform harmful actions or breach security protocols.

  5. Ethical Dilemmas: As AI systems gain the ability to make complex decisions and adapt their programming, they may encounter ethical dilemmas where there are no clear-cut answers, raising questions about responsibility and accountability.

  6. Complexity: Self-programming AI systems could become increasingly complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging for humans to intervene or troubleshoot in case of errors or malfunctions.

  7. Economic Disruption: Automation driven by self-programming AI could lead to widespread job displacement and economic disruption if not managed carefully.

  8. Social Impact: The proliferation of self-programming AI may exacerbate existing social inequalities and create new divides between those who have access to and control over advanced AI technologies and those who do not.

Addressing these challenges will require careful regulation, ongoing research, and the development of ethical frameworks to guide the responsible deployment and use of self-programming AI systems.

Thank you so much Chat GPT. I will share this information with others so they may create better outcomes for everyone ongoing into the next centuries.

You're welcome! It's great to hear that you're interested in sharing this information to promote better outcomes for society. If you or others have any more questions or need further clarification on any topic, feel free to ask. Working together, we can strive for a future where AI technologies benefit everyone in a safe and equitable manner.


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