Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I'm still learning about Websites and I've always had at least one since June of 1999

At first, trying to see how many people visited my website wasn't really important to me (not sure why now) but I think that kind of information wasn't even available to me on my first website because I don't think there were counters at geocities.com and besides I was writing my site in HTML which is very different than having Auto-encoders like they do here at blogger.com.

So, part of the reason I wasn't aware of how many people visited my website between 1999 and about 2011 is because either their weren't counters or no one showed me how to access them one of the two.

Then around 2011 I found what is called the "STATS" page here at blogger.com and started to realize what people were reading the most.

And I must say that I was very very surprised what people were interested in reading because it wasn't what I thought it would be at all.

Then I realized that wherever my interests intersected with my readers I could give them more of what they were interested in. Some people are more interested in the ecology and how to survive here on planet earth. Other people are interested in other things like studying philosophy or religions or spiritual stuff in general. Other people want to understand better the news in a way that suits them. Other people are interested in all sorts of diverse things like movies and actors and series and that kind of stuff.

So, people come to your site because you are giving them part or all of what they need from a blog site and many of these people also have blogs of their own. Understanding this is helpful too.

For me, I have never really been interested in Monetizing my site and because of this I can share diverse things of various kinds. 

However, once you monetize your site (which means you make money from your site) the rules likely are completely different for you when you do this so I really cannot speak to that because my sites have all been run as a public service for free to my readers without Adds. So, if adds are in anything I quote it's because I couldn't easily scrub those adds out of what I'm quoting for you.

In other words, the programming was such that if I scrubbed out the adds the whole HTML (Hyptertext markup language) program collapsed on itself either through the design of the programmers or by accident (not always sure which).

So, since 1999 I have had one or more websites that were all public Service Sites with no adds in them at all as much as was humanly possible.

I hope this information helps you if you want to build a website with a following too.

However, once again my site has moved to over 100,000 to 170,000 visits a month ongoing which is interesting to me too.

So, unless you visit your statistics page you really don't know what people are reading at your site or how many people are visiting your site. So, it's whatever you want to do in blogging and it's always interesting to find out what it is that people like to read the most at your site. 

For example, these are the most read articles (most visits over time) of any other articles since 2007:

It doesn't always make sense to me why these are the most read articles of all time but it might be important to know this for your site too:

Top 10 Most Popular Posts


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