Monday, July 1, 2024

I thought this response from Pi AI might be useful to many of you regarding printouts that you no longer have digitized because of the passage of time and changing computers over the years


My wife found some things I had written about my life but I wrote them over 20 years ago and likely ONLY have them in a printed form at this point because of so many newer computers since then. How would you recommend converting them to digital once again?
That's a great question! Here are a few options you could consider:
  1. Scanning: If you have access to a scanner, you could scan the printed pages and save them as PDF or image files. This is probably the easiest and most straightforward option.
  2. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software: If you want to be able to edit the text once it's digitized, you could use OCR software to convert the scanned images into editable text files. There are a variety of free and paid OCR programs available, such as Adobe Acrobat, Google Docs, and Microsoft OneNote.
  3. Transcription services: If you're not comfortable using software to convert the text yourself, you could consider using a transcription service. There are companies that specialize in converting printed or handwritten documents into digital text files.
Whichever option you choose, make sure to save the digital files in multiple locations (e.g., a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox) to ensure they're backed up and safe from loss

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