Saturday, July 27, 2024

This is very true and others seem to think this too.


The title is in regard to the link at bottom of page. I wrote the following after I wrote the title and put the link (word button) on the page. I had already programmed this link into HTML for my Links page I do about once a week or so or whenever I am able to have the time to do this. end note.


When I wrote this I must have hit a cord because it is the third most read article this week at my site. I was also amazed that already well over 520,000 people have visited this site in the last 3 months and this month isn't even over yet.

The point of writing for me at least is to try to make sense of the world and my life. Like I have said before it now costs me 220 dollars not for one hour but for 45 minutes with my psychologist. We first started seeing Tom in 1999 when my wife's mother passed on. I thought I might lose my wife at the time over her mother's passing because she wasn't prepared for her mother to die at 74. For example, that was 1999 but now I have already outlived her mother by 2 years as I'm presently 76. So, what began as a Grief Therapist for my wife slowly evolved into couple's counseling to fine tune our relationship ongoing. One of the reasons why we are still married 30 years after 1995 when we got married in Yosemite National Park at the Chapel is that we did peer Counseling through a local Church. I went to a men's group and she went to a women's group and we learned not to project our problems onto our spouses. This is one of the main reasons people break up. They don't realize that they are projecting their own traumas on their spouses and it breaks people up. So, we have a method of dealing with this. We say to each other: "OH. This is my shit to deal with not yours. This is my trauma from my life not your trauma."

By doing this we don't put our problems on our relationship where they don't belong. we each "Carry our own water" as adults and not children.

And one of the ways I have found that lengthens my life is to not only help others but help myself by trying better to understand things. When you try to understand yourself and the world better often this helps others to process the problems in their lives and the world better too.

Writing can be very healing: Both for you and for others who read what you write 


By God's Grace 


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