Sunday, July 21, 2024

Writing can be very healing: Both for you and for others who read what you write

In 1980 I personally designed a healing style of writing for myself to heal traumas of my life. Since I had studied several years to be a psychologist I knew a lot of good techniques that I could apply to my own personal healing of my personal traumas in my life. 

So, writing about Arcane starting in 1980 began to heal me of traumas since whooping cough and likely even birth itself for me. 

One of the most important things to realize is that each of us has like a 2 1/2 year old subconscious mind. So, we have to learn to parent and to protect our Inner Child before it self destructs us with Wayward child behavior from being abused in many life situations beyond our control growing.

So, unless we reparent ourselves we can often be a danger to ourselves if we "act out" in society for how we were abused growing up.

Often the abuse was never intentional but accidental which is how most of the damage is done to people not knowing any better as we grow up.

So, for me, learning how to be a gentleman despite any really harm done to me (most was just accidental and not intentional) was important so I wouldn't become abusive to any children or a girlfriend or wives in my life and I understood this because I always did have a temper caused mostly by some of the things that happened to me from birth to adulthood. 

HOwever, I was always a surviver and capable of surviving any situation I was in "By God's Grace".

I firmly believe I'm only alive now 

By God's Grace

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