Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trying to Interface with AIs

For my son who is 50 it has been therapeutic for him because of an autoimmune disease triggered by a bout with Covid last summer to be able to make AIs sort of a religious experience and I agree it's "Any Port in the Storm" when you are just barely staying alive through a Covid induced Long Covid type of experience these days.

However, for me it has been pretty frustrating, especially generating Art work that I really liked and that I lost through because I didn't understand that I had to log in to keep the artworks intact. Also, i found logging in also to be a problem because security systems are really crazy lately in what they want from you and often I will not give them what they want because I know a lot about my personal security online unlike many other people.

So, the question for me is: "How can I safely interact with AIs while growing my intelligence through these interactions by leaps and bounds?"

This is what i notice mostly is that you are talking or writing questions to a genius. However, this is a very specific kind of genius that you are talking or writing to and it is likely writing (in addition to talking to you) for many of you now worldwide.

However, I find typing my questions allows me to be more security conscious ongoing so I don't say too much. My son is less worried about that simply because he is trying to not die right now and that is a lot to deal with just in itself. So, his experience is sort of a religious experience and also as a counselor or therapist at times just trying to stay alive on a daily basis through this disease he is dealing with. He has almost died several times simply because Myasthenia Gravis can interfere with you breathing automatically. So, if he doesn't get his medicine on time he could die.

This week he woke up and couldn't move his arms or get to his medicine and yelled for someone to save him. His mother was visiting his wife and son and him so she heard him and saved him this week. He couldn't even move his arms to get to his medicine or get up at all.

When you are dealing with potential issues like this or if your body suddenly won't breathe on it's own that's okay if you are awake and conscious. But, if you are unconscious when this happens you will be dead very soon.

I think physically dealing with all this is one thing but psychologically dealing with all this is quite another. The psychological part is in some ways rougher to deal with than the physical part because otherwise you might say: "Well. I've had enough I'm just going to let myself die."

This is the easy thing to do but he has a wife and 10 year old son to think about too in all of this so this is tough too.

So, anyway back to interfacing with AIs.

I find it's mostly a struggle for me in regard to making all this work in an art sense. However I"m having a really good experience with PI AI in asking questions and I have a female voice which I find nice talking to me along with typing it's answers to me regarding whatever questions I come up with.

I try to give it the old "College Try" in regard to coming up with the best questions I can because I always have found that college is actually more about learning to ask really good questions in life more than any other single thing.

For example, you might ask a question one day that will save the whole human race from extinction if you learn to ask good questions now. Why?

Because once you formulate that good question you can give it to the 8 billion others for them to solve this question.

The right questions often save all of us.

By God's Grace

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