Wednesday, July 31, 2024

God teaching me about soul Travel literally saved my life from 1970 ON. Why?

Because on many levels my life didn't make sense to me. I had been severely tested by God in such a way that most people likely who had experienced what I did would have killed themselves. So, God was testing me to see if I was strong enough to do God's work here on earth.

First I was being shown by God that religions (religious organizations) are self destructive to human beings.

This was lesson number 1 that God was teaching me. This was a hard and for many a suicidal lesson.

But, I was stronger than that by God's Grace.

So, the lesson here was that though Religious organizations pacify people in one country or race or tradition who follow the same beliefs that all these religions tend to be self destructive in many ways to the individuals practicing these religions because they are hypnotized by priests and ministers to do things that are contrary to their best interests in life.

So, the very people who should be helping people 'BE WITH GOD" are interfering with people's natural relationship with God and also they are interfering with what I would call "Progressive Revelation" which is also a part of everyone's personal relationship with God.

God also taught me not to start another religion because all religions are obsolete because of Nuclear Weapons.

Because Fundamentalists of literally any religion on earth could get a hold of nukes and blow up the earth like they did Maldek which is now the Asteroid Belt. Our Ancestors blew up their planet with nukes 65 million years ago. I wrote about my memories of being there in another incarnation here:


So, one of the many lessons is don't be a fundamentalist of ANY religion who because of PTSD usually from war blows up the whole planet because you are dysfunctional psychologically from bad experiences.

For Example, I could have been very angry and violent because of the way I was treated by my religion I grew up in but God showed me another way which was to realize how screwed up organized religions are instead.

Through this lesson I realized I didn't want revenge because the people who had harmed me were like ignorant Children and then I realized I was NOT ignorant and so I prayed for them instead and then I realized ALL religions are as dysfuntional as the one I was raised in too.

At this point I was free "By God's Grace" to be a direct emissary of God to mankind to help teach all Beings how to connect with God like I do and to be "Spiritual but not Religious" and to help everyone I saw or met or who read what I write the rest of my life.

By God's Grace 

So, the deep wounds I received became the direct cause of my salvation by God and Angels ongoing.

So, my wounds healed me because of what God taught me through what I call "Progressive Revelation" which is ongoing throughout my life.

At one point someone asked me to try once again to be a part of the religion I was raised in but I realized that in reality in order to do that I would have to dishonor everything that God has taught me which to me is logically ridiculous and absurd.

So, I stayed true to God and Angels instead.

By God's Grace


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