Saturday, July 27, 2024

an odd experience?

 I was moving some pictures to relatives and friends worldwide today and what showed up on Signal (like What's App but not owned by Facebook) and a picture I didn't send showed up there out of the blue with no rhyme or reason. My son was wondering if AI had put it there because he didn't remember this picture being taken of him in the deep woods of Oregon near where he lives. But it finally got cleared up because his mother is visiting his wife and son and him and she admitted taking this picture which she sent to me so it was on my phone from her sending it. However, I DID NOT ask for it to be put on Signal and going around the world to relatives and friends. So, for me, this is the first instance of possibly AI being involved in doing something like this? Don't know.

However, you know how IPhone often compiles your pictures into groups? Well. Recently it compiled one of our Corgi since she was a puppy. She is now 5 years old and watching this one sort of made me cry while I was in Santa Barbara because it wasn't going to work out to bring her to San Diego with us because of the heat and because my adopted daughter has cats too. So, could my IPhone tuned into AI somehow and took this picture and put it on Signal without asking me?

I have a feeling we are going to see all sorts of stuff like this from interesting AI programs over the years. Hopefully, it won't cause any harm or injuries or deaths among people?

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