Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Some of my most remarkable experiences as a young man in my early 20s

 I was attending Palomar College then and this would have been around 1970 or 1971 or around there. These experiences were very powerful and changed my life a lot. 

I had had an experience with angels saving my life from whooping cough at age 2 and by 5 I started praying regularly to soul travel with the angels. There was a being in a book my parents believed in called Leto who was a lady master who helped people soul travel with the angels that I prayed to then.

I kept up this prayer to some degree all the way to age 20 when I decided when I looked forward in time that I wasn't likely going to survive my 20s. So, I decided to permanently project my soul out of my body at age 20 up into space to heaven if I was able to do this. When I did this I got up pretty high out of my body when Archangel Gabriel told me that I wasn't allowed to do this because I had promised to do work for God here on earth. I told him that I had foreseen my own death in my 20s and why should I keep living if I was going to die young anyway. There was no point in going on. He didn't disagree with me. He thought about it and told me that the God and the Angels were going to give me soul travel which would allow me to live on because I wouldn't be like most other people then and so I could live on and one because my body would become more like a reference point or a car I drove around in sometimes instead of feeling trapped in a human body like many people do. He was right about everything by the way.

So, I did make it through my 20s.

However, I was living nearby where I'm staying now then when two of the things happened that changed my life forever.

The first experience was that Saint Germain appeared to me one night after filling my room with the violet Flame sacred fire. I watched the black smoke arise out of my chest because I had a broken heart then from a bad breakup with a girlfriend I deeply loved within the last year or so. So, as the Violet Sacred Fire burned away all this pain and suffering I saw it arise out of me like black smoke. 

Finally out of a poster I had on my bedroom wall came a spark of violet light from where the sun meets the top of a mountain in my poster on my wall. 

The violet spark got bigger and bigger until I saw it was Saint Germain looking at me from another dimension and he smiled at me and I fainted away from the power of this experience.

When I returned to consciousness I realized my whole brain and body had been reprogrammed and that I was now one of the many bodies of Saint Germain here on earth. This has changed me forever in how I have both perceived and functioned here on earth ever since.

The other thing that happened was that I had been given the gift of Soul Travel physically through Astral Travel when I least expected it in the desert at my father's best friend's vacation home when I was alone there. I got up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom and when I tried to turn on the light switch my whole arm went through the wall. I was terrified!

I realized I was not in my physical body but walking around without my body! I wracked my brain trying to figure out how to deal with this situation because I wasn't feeling well with a cold or flu already. I remembered reading in mystical Book Store about what to do in this kind of situation. The book had said, "Walk back to your body and lay back down into it" which is what I did. However, I was so traumatized from this experience I was shaking in trauma and I was completely alone going through all this. This was just too much for me so I packed up my car at about 3 am in the morning and drove home to just south of Escondido, California where I was living then.

I said to God as I drove away from the desert: "God! You nearly scared me to death! Can't I have a good experience where I don't have to almost die to learn how to soul travel?"

The answer to this prayer came a month or two later when I woke up in Rancho Bernardo in my bedroom and sat up out of my body but I wasn't scared this time because I was still connected from my hips to my toes. then an angelic form of me came into the bedroom through the door and laid down into me and we laid down into my physical body and I said to God: "Thank you God! I Understand."

What God had shown me was that we are immortal souls that live with or without bodies here on earth.

This is something I will always hold and cherish deeply that God would share this with me. The other thing he was sharing was that I should bi-locate and not astral project because Bi-location is much safer than Astral projection by the way.

After this I was on my way to exploring the whole universe of God's mind (which is the universe) which is a part of God's mind.

By God's Grace

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