Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Archiving Blogs

I was thinking as I woke up this morning about the best way to archive a blog. For example, I personally have about 3500 blog articles I have presently written here at this site since I began in I believe the fall of 2007 (September). So, I have been thinking about how best to archive my 3500+ Blogs.

For example, I just went back to November 2007 and found this one that I liked after reading it once again. Some (or all) of your blogs will be timeless and always useful and others will be more historical and related to that moment or moments in time in the world. Finding ways to archive what you have written for yourself, your relatives, your friends, your posterity can be useful in many different ways ongoing throughout time.

Here is one I found at random that I like from November 2007:
November 30th 2007

Being a Free Thinker

Being a Free Thinker. When I watched the movie "National Treasure" tears came to my eyes when the little boy in the beginning of the movie was discovered and knighted by his grandfather for this was the kind of relationship I had with my father as well.

My father taught me to be a free thinker always. I remember he would set me up in a debate in the car with my mother listening. He and I would debate almost anything. He was teaching me to be a free thinker and to analyze even at age 8 or 9 any given situation so I could make good critical decisions at all times with whatever information that was presently available to me. He also showed me how to research whatever facts I needed to make even better decisions. He said that "One must make decisions throughout ones life but the important thing was to never be frightened of decision making. One must plow through all the decisions with whatever information one could garner in the moment. He also said that most decisions can be modified in some useful way when more information is learned as time goes on. In this way he said, one could constantly modify according to available information all aspects of life. He said that this was how people had moved from being cavemen and cave women to where they were today.

My father also always wore his blue sapphire ring with a diamond in the center of it to church as he was in charge of our Los Angeles church and head lay minister there from the time I was 6 to 12 years old.

I was reading an article today that brought all these memories back to me. It was an article about Dan Brown's new book that is based loosely upon freemasonry and the history of our founding fathers. Washington, Franklin and many others at that time were free masons and so the design of our capital was set by Washington along free mason engineering ideas and concepts. Here is the article which reminded me of reading the American Heritage publications that my father subscribed to most of my childhood that I always read with great fascination about all these remarkable people who started our country.


Here is another blog that I like:

Will humans survive?
If every I says
"I will see to it!"

There is always hope
Even in seeming hopelessness

The Future
will take care of itself
If we take care of NOW!


Where are you?
Are you Here or there?

soul traveling
Is honestly
what we do


Is a paradox
Accepting it
Makes one sane
fighting the paradox
Is the end

Is not the solution
To ones internal conflict

We do alone
all else
is only illusion

Illusions can be fun
I know
I am one

Is both much more
and much less
than it seems

Springs eternal
If we die daily
There is also called something like blog2print that can be reached at the following location in conjunction with Blogspot.com if you want a book hardcopy of your favorite blogs of your site.


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