Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Assembling all blog article names for all my blogs at this site

This may or may not be a novel idea that you might want to try at your blog site as well. My wife wanted me to assemble all my blogs in one place to then have me read over to edit from those my favorite ones to assemble to publish as a book for the family to have ongoing as a blog archive. I said, "With 3500 articles or more that could cost $1000 to get printed up in book form. Or if I tried to do that on my home printer it might break. Or I suppose I could print them all out at Kinko's or something like that but I don't know how much that might cost either. So I'll have to think about it.

So, what I thought I would try doing is to assemble here all my blog article names(originally I wanted to put all my blog word internet buttons here but I think the software of Blogspot might not allow this many word buttons to be assembled in this way. So if you want to actually read these articles you might have to click on the year then the month and then the article the way the programming of Blogspot appears to be) by month in a single blog so I could more easily decide what was worth publishing from my point of view. As I have said in another blog article, much of what people blog about including myself gets dated and then is only historical, for example, historic events as they are occurring, or movies as they are released and you or I review as they come out in real time. So we'll see how this all goes.
Note: I will publish every so often as I'm loading my blog word buttons because I'm not sure how long any one blog can be.  Also, if you are wondering how I'm doing all this I have open two windows of my website. I have the first one open to the NEW POST area and the second window is open to my website just to the main page. Then I am clicking on the month I want to copy the word buttons to. Then I go up to the "Edit" function at the top of the page click on it after I have highlighted the word buttons (or anything else I want to copy in one batch so it will stay together. Then I click inside the "Edit" function "Copy", and then I click on the other window with the NEW POST area for entering blogs. I then put my cursor in a blank spot where I want to copy every thing to and then I go up and click "Paste" also up in the "Edit" function box above. This is how I 'm doing this if you want to do this for your blog site as well. However, I'm probably going to stop with 2007 to 2009 because I feel like I don't want to get writer's cramp on my mouse and keyboard today from all the copying and clicking necessary to do all this.

By the way here is my very first Blog:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I'm just experimenting with this new type of blogging experience. I have had my own website since 1999. However, this operates a little differently so I'll have to adapt to the way it functions.
I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.
I was watching a news video and a young woman in her late 20's or early 30's mentioned that Blogger was a good place to start with a blog. Hers got to be popular and now has become a springboard for her business. Though I am a prolific writer I have never been published, primarily because though I love to write I hate to edit. Maybe if I was a starving writer I could get myself to edit.
However, what I tend to write is intuitive based and since I tend to be one of those writers that write from a very truthful place not everyone wants to read that kind of stuff. Besides, what is truthful to one person is just too painful to see or read about for another. Also, I like to write from both a scientifically truthful place combined with a humanitarian truthful place and sometimes a very spiritually real and truthful place all combined. Since most people these days seem to want to escape into TV or computer fantasy games and not deal with anything real I'm not always sure of the value of what I write for everyone.
However, for those who are intuitively gifted like myself and want to figure out how to develop those gifts in a way that benefits themselves and all beings in the universe what I write might be not only useful but life saving to a select few who can really process my unique viewpoint.

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