Friday, August 20, 2010

Globalization only really benefits the rich worldwide.

China tech giant Foxxconn to install nets to catch suicidal employees
Click on "China tech giant" above to read full news article

In the last 24 hours and after reading many articles and watching many programs related to Globalization I finally realized something. It is that, "Globalization only really benefits the rich worldwide". Anyone else suffers directly or indirectly from Globalization. So as a result of this instead of having a healthy world middle Class, the middle class in most of the world is dying slowly  from globalization.

My second realization is that the only way to stop the disenfranchisement of the present middle class and poor class worldwide would be to create Globalized Unions so the masses don't all starve to death through the globalization process.

This is how globalization works. First one corporation or company in some country in trying to compete with another company realizes that they only way to do that is to get cheaper labor somewhere else. So all the people who had good jobs no longer do anymore for whoever they worked for. Unionization means nothing if your job is shipped to China or Viet Nam. So, in this sense Globalization is a Union Breaker worldwide.

So then, this job is then done for probably 10cents on the dollar for what people were paid before to do it or less. So even though the new people have a job they are forced to work so hard and so fast that they are driven towards suicide or into suicide by the company in the foreign land with no workers rights.

So, you may say that the people benefit that can now buy this product for much less. However, they are not really benefiting because their jobs have now been lost to globalization and they no longer are able to pay their mortgages. So, in factory towns all over the U.S. and world all these homes devalue as they foreclose worldwide in the 1st world countries that now lost all their jobs to globalization.

So, my statement is: "What good is globalization if no one has any money but the rich to buy anything?"

So, the oncoming result of globalization can only be (as all governments on earth lose effectiveness) because the people most places have no jobs, is revolt internationally, even in the places where people who have the jobs now commit suicide because of mistreatment by their companies.

The only answer I can see to this problem is global unions that operate in all nations. This is the only long term solution that I can see to populist chaos and revolution worldwide eventually caused by unbridled globalization. Because globalization unchecked is the death of every nation state along with the death of the middle class and poor worldwide.

If you disagree with me read a few books like: "The End of the Free Market" by Ian Bremmer. And if you are a thinker like me then you will know for sure that what I'm saying is true.

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