Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A 7 Billion Person Democracy

I have been asking a question lately. I don't think I'm the only one.

The question is: How will the U.S. and the world survive what is presently happening?

The obvious potential answer would be: To form a 7 Billion person democracy.

However, when I looked at all the diverse ways of seeing things worldwide that just brings up another question which is: How would that be feasible or possible given the present diversity on Earth?

My answer to the question given looking at everything is:

Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

And how will it be accomplished?

By strengthening   the individual nation states as a part of the new World Federal Government. So there would be autonomy for all nations but there would be certain questions that only the World Democratic Federal Government could address.

How would the nations learn to trust each other enough to make this work?

Globalization is forcing this upon us. There are only two big choices that I can see at present, either a continued de facto Global Corporate Fascist State composed of mostly multinational corporations who basically do whatever they want (if not one place then another), OR we end the corruption caused by ungoverned and potentially ungovernable Multinational corporations worldwide and create a World encompassing democracy to give rights (like we have in the  United States and Europe and other places) to everyone.

At present I don't really see another solution that will put it all back together without 100s of years of economic and bloody revolution worldwide. Globalization just ended isolation for anyone anywhere. IN order to protect one of us now we must find a way to protect all of us. All for one and one for all.

A microcosm of the problems that would beset the founding of such a worldwide democracy one now sees in the fledgeling European Union. If you magnify these problems they would be the problems of a worldwide democratic state with rights for all. However, if it isn't done I believe that the death and blood over the next 100 years might make World War II look like child's play in comparison.

Anyway you look at it the present corrupt world economic system can only lead to more collapses worldwide. The way things presently are it won't be good for anyone for very long unless the system becomes more fair to all. Only with a system more fair to everyone can economic growth worldwide resume in a healthy way.

The other question is: What kind of economic growth is possible with continual Global Climate change progressing at a geometric rate?

So, we have two basic equations to solve for there to be any permanent or relatively permanent progress continuing here on earth.

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