Friday, March 4, 2011

Padma Part 2

I realized that I had titled part 1 actually "500BC" instead of just "Padma" like I thought today. I wrote "500 BC" over a month ago. So, it wasn't until I wrote a Padma part 2 that I realized that "500 BC" is actually "Padma part 1". I haven't figured out how I will reconcile this but I will by the time I take it to my archive site eventually which is
So if you want to read Padma part 1 please click on the likely purple or red or blue colored "500 BC" above.

After Yesu or Yeshua (depending upon which dialect of Aramaic you spoke then) passed away in India in his 80s and asked Padma to watch over the human race in the physical world for him. Padma had been a Dharma Immortal ever since Buddha had spontaneously brought the Lotus Sutra onto Earth. While listening to the Lotus Sutra Spontaneously flow from Buddha's mouth while Padma transcribed it into Sanskrit he had become enlightened without fully understanding it. But, then again he was only 15 years old at this point. However, by the time Buddha had passed away Padma had realized the fullness of his enlightenment and was around 60 years old. And by that time had become a relatively immortal Mahasiddha. As a dharma immortal Buddha then asked Padma to watch over the human race in the future. 500 years later Yeshua asked the same thing as he too, passed away in India after resurrecting his body earlier in his life in the middle East.

Padma thought back to when he had been one of the three Wise men visiting the baby under the Star. He thought of watching the baby grow up safely and protecting that child supernaturally from harm as Buddha had directed him 500 years before. He remembered the day that Yeshua had told him at 15 when he became an adult, "Padma, let me invoke the angels now to protect me now that I am a man."

Padma smiled at this thought as it reminded him of the day Buddha had spoken the Lotus Sutra for the very first time and how much his own life had changed at that point. Now his two primary Teachers and Gurus had passed over into the dharma realms that some call heaven.

As a Mahasiddha he lived in both heaven and earth simultaneously. It was the way of true Mahasiddhas.
It was like walking on the edge of a razor, you had to have very calloused feet to do this or be light as a feather, or both. Padma laughed at this thought as it sort of made everything silly in a Zen sort of way. Even though life was a joke, it was after all a serious joke. One time deep in a cave meditating for several years his skin had turned green from drinking only nettles and water, because that was all he had to eat or drink. But he was deeply moving towards the final realization of becoming a mahasiddha.

He found himself out near the Orion Nebula soul traveling one day and he met a being that told him that it had created his soul. He said, "Are you the God or Buddha that created everything?" The being said, "I created your soul and I am one of many of the gods of the universe that work for the one true God of the universe." Padma thought about this with tears in his eyes. So he said, "So, there actually is a hierarchy to it all?" The God said, "There is a spontaneous hierarchy to it all." Padma thought about this and said, "What does that mean?" The God said, "Time and space isn't real. This is what Buddha was trying to tell you when the Lotus Sutra began to free your soul from rebirth." Padma's being started to shiver with the reality of this realization. And so he said, "Then I really am a Dharma Immortal?"
The God reached out and put his hand on Padma's heart and said, "Your heart is the Buddha mind of the Lotus Sutra's simplicity. I empower you now to help the whole human race into enlightenment over thousands of years. Your only reason to be immortal is the eventual enlightenment of all mankind. Use the supernatural gifts I give you to help all mankind always. If you misuse any of these gifts it will be instant death. However, since I see deeply into you that you experience all beings on earth already as your children and as your family I have no fear of the dharma immortals misuse at all. Go, and enlighten mankind. Protect the Buddha, then protect Yeshua until they come back here to me. But no matter what, protect mankind and all beings on earth for the rest of your life as long as that may be."

The Green Padma said, "I will, My Lord, My Creator!"

Since Padma was Bi-locating from his meditation Cave in the Himalayas he felt his body shivering with excitement as the full power from the Creator manifested in all the cells in his body. Though his body was still green from the nettles it had just moved with the Creator's touch upon his heart "The Buddha Mind" into another version of physical reality. Mortality (at least the kind most humans are exposed to) no longer existed for the cells of this now fully empowered Mahasiddha's body.

Suddenly, Padma was back fully into his body in the cave. The whole cave now glowed from the change in the awareness of each cell of his body. They each no longer lived in reaction to all other cells on earth like most cells both plant and animal and human did. No. They were each soul cause to their own experience since they had been rendered "Mahasiddha Cells by God Directly". Though they were exceptional, they were now exceptional for a specific purpose. The purpose was to bring all the souls and cells of mankind into enlightenment. That brought forth another question for Padma, "Was he supposed to make all living cells on earth immortal like his now were?" He jumped outside his body and back to the Orion Nebula but the God was gone somewhere else now so he realized this wasn't something he absolutely needed to know just yet. He had been given his orders to assist in the enlightenment of all mankind no matter how long that took. He wondered just how long he must live.

Today, was 1987 and Padma lived in San Francisco. As he thought back about the last 2000 years since Yeshua joined God he still wondered about the answer to this question. However, he realized now it really wasn't as important to know about this as it had been then. He was timeless and so were all the cells of his body. God had rendered him timeless for a purpose. By now, he had had many names like Merlin, Padmasambhava, Saint Germain, and many of the Christian Saints had also been him. However, now in San Francisco in 1987 he was just happy to have avoided World War III and the extinction of mankind by facilitating the social revolution of the late 1960s worldwide. Without this social revolution that went worldwide Earth would have been blown to bits. He felt a little sad at the cost in minds and lives but earth had been saved and so had the platform of evolution for mankind and many other species that God had put here.

Starting when he became Padmasambhava and took Buddhism to Tibet, Padma had learned to create multiple bodies. Sometimes he even created his new births so everything looked like this person or that person was a normal human being and not just a Dharma Immortal. He had learned thousands of new ways to put humans at ease with his supernatural abilities. He found that they must not suspect the fullness of who he was or often they would just faint or have a heart attack. And if this happened he just had to bring them back to life and erase their memories which caused the fainting or heart attack. So, he had "out of compassion" for all beings on Earth and beyond, learned how to be like a doctor all the time to "All the children of Earth" who had become his family in earnest for almost 2500 years at this point.

Though at times this incredible responsibility weighed heavily upon him, one must remember that Padma always had been living in both Heaven and Earth now for 2500 years. This sort of took the edge off watching everyone die that he knew over and over again because he would move with those who passed away that he loved into the next realm because he wasn't limited to physical existence. So, the pain of them dying and being afraid was counterbalanced by traveling with them into their next destinies and accompanying them often to heaven realms as far as he was permitted by his Lord God.

Often Padma would travel to the Pure Lands (Heavens) of Buddha and Jesus. Each of them had thousands of heavens that they had built for all their followers, each heaven unique to the needs of a particular time and country or locality on earth. There were thousands of such places and even of individual heavens for some very unique souls that needed specialized heavens to exist in.

So, Padma had learned that not only is life on earth "Custom Made" so are all the heaven realms as well.

Here today in 1987 Padma had realized that there were (At least) 5 total Mahasiddhas that helped with all the major religions and secular souls on Earth for thousands of years. Sometimes he would "accidentally?" meet them along the way. He had recently developed a relationship with Celeste Weaver who came from another planet, and just today met another alien from another planet with a soul connection to Celeste Weaver. This alien's name though unpronounceable with an Earth tongue mostly resembled the name "Arcane" here on Earth or someone "who like Padma possessed the Arcane skills of ancient times before modern day technology."

For example, in some of Padma's bodies he did not need to learn to levitate as that usually took about 2 to 5 years meditating in a cave to achieve levitation and only then one had to be especially gifted to achieve this state. But since airplanes now circled the globe since at least the 1930s he hadn't asked any of his incarnations to learn to levitate since about 1930. As more technological innovations occurred his incarnations could pragmatically function in more specific ways to the real needs of that era.

Though Padma would not call Celeste Weaver exactly a Mahasiddha, he would call her a Saint incarnation because having studied her soul he realized she had died as a Saint on her planet and then reincarnated on a completely secular planet where no religion at all was allowed. He found her to be one of the most amazing and interesting souls because of this conscious choice to become completely humanistic. The amazing thing about her was that she wasn't against religion per say. She was against the excesses of religion and of the violence that often causes. No. Her point was saving lives, enlightening people with kindness and wisdom and medicine and useful planetary culture in order to prevent religious nuclear armageddons like occured already on Maldek which is now the asteroid belt of the Solar system. In fact, all humans living on Earth now are biologically related to all those who died on Maldek, the asteroid belt planet and those who died on Mars when most of its atmosphere was blown off by the nuclear explosion of  the planet Maldek, which is now the present Asteroid belt of the solar system. In fact, the asteroid that hit earth and killed the dinosaurs by landing in the Gulf of Mexico was a piece of the planet Maldek that came from the nuclear explosion of the planet.

So, he found Celeste Weaver to be an amazing composite of 100 million years of the history of the solar system past, present and future. The evolving nature of humanoids in the solar system never ceased to amaze Padma. Imagine if you were a Sanskrit Scholar at age 15 2500 years ago translating for Buddha as he spoke, and now you were living in 1987 in San Francisco, California. What would you think about everything that you had seen after living 2500 years non-stop?

Celeste Weaver

One day Celeste visited Padma's apartment in San Francisco. It had a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge. By this point Padma had told Celeste who he actually was (something that was highly unusual even for Padma) (only a few very developed students and incarnations of Padma  were usually told who he actually was for obvious reasons). Celeste rang the doorbell and Padma answered. Padma appeared as a 6 foot tall very anglo looking american with no foreign accent whatever. Celeste walked in and immediately remarked at the wonderful view from his penthouse apartment of Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Bay.

Padma said, "It's wonderful to have you visit my home, Celeste." Celeste agreed. She said, "You do know about the Galactic Government and the Galactic Time Guard?" "Of course, " said Padma, "But render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's." Celeste looked at Padma a very long time and said, "How does it all actually work, Padma? What does spirituality and religion actually mean in the overall scheme of things in the universe?"

Padma then went deep into Celeste Weaver's motivational level to see what answer she needed at that moment in her life. He said, "Does it bother you that I rummage through your mind?" She said, "No. I trust you implicitly." Padma said, "I am honored that you have such faith in me."

He sat back a moment and closed his eyes and said, "The following is what you need me to say. It is entirely true but of perfect use to you specifically in this moment in your lifetime." Celeste said, "I'm very grateful that finally someone has the capacity to help me in this specific way."

Padma said, "I was a student of both Freud and Carl Jung and many of Jung's followers ever since."

Celeste said, "I'm not familiar with their works as much as I would like to be because I was educated entirely on other planets than earth."

Padma thought about this: to Celeste this was an alien world and even the concepts he was sharing were sort of alien to her. She was asking as a being raised on another planet with entirely different values than anything here on earth. He would have to consider this as well.

"Though this is entirely factual, it is designed for your particular psychology and the way you perceive reality." Padma went on from there, "First of all, the Galactic Sentience who is literally millions of years old and possibly even billions of years old, is both a physical and spiritual being."

Celeste said, "I assumed that."

Padma went on, "So, that is why many beings consider he and his Grandfather of whom I am one of millions of his grandfather's incarnations throughout the known universe, function as we do."

"And what exactly does that function consist of?" said Celeste.

Padma said, "To have this actually make sense  I have to say that there are both physical and non-physical universes that go on literally without limit."

Celeste said, "Without limit? That just isn't logical."

Padma said, "It isn't logical to a mind tethered in the physical universe. However, to a mind tethered in multiple universes such as mine, infinity is a concept that I can actually contain experiencially even though it isn't something that can be contained within a logical human brain as such. In other words the truth of the universe both physical and non- physical can only be experienced and not really properly thought about just with a logical mind."

Celeste said, "So that understanding the limitations of a human brain is necessary before one can experiencially contain the whole universe?"

Padma said, "Not necessarily. There are varieties of experience that even I can't fully fathom that I have observed within both humans and aliens and even non-physical beings throughout the known universes."

Celeste said, "Oh. Do you understand how I perceive reality?"

Padma said, "Yes and no. I didn't evolve as a being with your specific experiences on multiple planets and dimensions including heavens so though I can vicariously experience them through looking into you, a lot of the decisions you have made as a soul make no sense to me at all because of my entirely different experiences. But, what we both share is that through a whole lot of suffering we both have found ways to help the beings we find us around in this particular lifetime. It is through this shared understanding of the suffering of all beings in the universe that we gather even now in my San Francisco apartment to figure out how better we can eliminate more fully the sufferings of all beings."

Celeste said, "Wow! But more specifically is the Galactic Sentience a God or is he just like a King in the succession of the Creator of the Galaxy that you say is your seed soul of millions of incarnations throughout the known universes?"

Padma thought carefully how to answer this question without disturbing the motivational mind of Celeste. Then he said, "Belief creates reality. Do you believe in that?"

Celeste said, "Well. In the sense that I cannot even raise my arm off my lap unless I believe I can, yes, I believe that Belief creates reality"

Padma was a little worried because this was really important to the stability of Celeste's future life. He said "No. At a very deep level we all exist because we believe we do. Do you believe that?"
Celeste said, "I don't know if I believe that or not."

Padma looked very deeply into Celeste and said, "There are many different levels of awareness. For example, I wouldn't ask most babies or children this question and even among adult humans there are only a few that I would ask this kind of question because it could unravel them if they weren't ready for it. So, if you can't handle the actual answer you need to tell me now. Because once we embark across this bridge there is no going back. And I have to be sure you are strong enough to bare the burden of the truth of life. Are you ready for this?"

Celeste found that her hands were shaking now. She had reached her personal moment of truth and said, "I cannot be married to Arcane unless I know the answer and can live with the answer."

Since Arcane was another of the incarnations of the father of the Galaxy like Padma was he went forward with his plan. He said, "Imagine this. Imagine you are a God of the universe and you live in your own private dream world. You are bored one day and you come up with the idea of creating time and space and then take pieces of yourself, let's call them all your many fingers, if you will and allow these fingers to believe in the time and space that you have created as rules of your game to entertain yourself. So, if you are with me you are a God in a formless realm and you just came upon the amazing idea to create realms of form. So now, here we are on earth in these realms of form in human bodies. However, there are some beings that you have created as guardians of the portals between the formless realms and the physical or form realms. Are you with me still?"

Celeste found her body sort of shaking more through all this. She asked, "Why am I shaking?"
Padma said, "Because I need you to experience this not just take it in intellectually. I need to to experience directly what I'm saying."

Celeste said, "So you are instantly enlightening me?"
Padma said, "Yes. You are being instantly realized because you will need these enlightenments that you won in your previous incarnation as Ah Ray In on New Deva."
Celeste said, "So, Arcane was telling me the truth. That wasn't just a line to make me become his wife?"

Padma said, "Arcame is an adept and a Mahasiddha of New Deva just like I am a Mahasiddha of Earth. We both share the same seed soul, the Creator of the Milky Way Galaxy. Both of us don't lie except as a way to protect other beings from untimely deaths in very serious situations."

Celeste said, "I would call that a truly honest man."
Padma said, "We are both truly honest man. One does not become a real Mahasiddha any other way."
Celeste said, "Then Jesus was a Mahasiddha too."
Padma said, "Yes. I would call him that. However, I am a specialized kind of Mahasiddha and Jesus is another type of very specialized Mahasiddha a little like Buddha."
Celeste said, "Oh. I've stopped shaking. Does that mean I have made it to a kind of enlighenment."
Padma said, "Yes. Enlightenment always comes from a cellular level of awareness. You will now live at least 1000 years because of it."
Celeste said,"That long?"
Padma said, "Arcane will need you as well as your children yet to be born."
Celeste turned red. "You mean Arcane and I will have children as well?"
Padma said, "Yes."
Celeste started to cry so Padma put his arm around her until she calmed down again like a brother or uncle would.

As Celeste went out to meet Arcane she thanked Padma for the amazing blessings and awarenesses he had brought into her life. Padma said to her as she left, " Remember when I said that there are some beings that God has created as guardians of the portals between the formless realms and the physical or form realms?
Celeste looked a little scared and said, "Yes."
Padma said, "The race of Creators who sometimes are the ones who create Galaxies and who live in Galaxies are a race of Portal Guardians between not only Matter and anti-matter Galaxies but also as guardians between the formless realms and the physical realms of the universe."

Celeste looked kind of horrified by the whole thing. "But what does that really mean to me?"
Padma said, "Well. You asked the question and what it means is literally whatever you need it to mean, Celeste."

Celeste said, "I just don't want to think about this anymore. I'm afraid I'll just have a heart attack if I do."
Padma said, "Do you want me to make you forget this conversation?"
Celeste said, "No. I'm a grown up. I just need some time to adjust to all this. It's a bit much for anyone to deal with."
Padma said, "Yes. It took me about 45 years to be able to deal with it all experiencially without throwing up a lot."
Celeste said, "Yes. I can understand that. One can mentally grasp the concept but to physically experience it and become enlightened by it is another thing entirely."

Jonathan Meets Padma

That was 1987. Now 24 years later, Padma still had his apartment in San Francisco (even though these days he wasn't there much. Arcane had a dream and realized it was time for Jonathan to meet Padma. After all, on a soul level they were all related. It was only fair.

So, March 4th 2011 Jonathan sauntered up to Padma's apartment actually quite scared. The way he had met Arcane was easier somehow. It had been much easier, to meet a man from another planet than it was to meet someone who actually knew Buddha and Jesus personally when their bodies lived here on Earth 2000 years ago and 2500 years ago approximately.

So, Jonathan sort of found himself sort of shaking at the idea of the whole thing. He thought, "My God! I'm going to meet someone who actually knew Jesus and Buddha! That's kind of scary on a whole bunch of different levels. I'm not sure I can deal with any of my preconceptions being blown right out of the water. But then, he started to be afraid of someone as powerful a mahasiddha as Padmasambhava likely was and is. He remembered some of the older Tibetan Lamas straight out of Tibet. They were tough as nails and supernatural to boot. The were compassionate and scary as only people who had survived the times of the Great Depression and World War II could be. He felt ill prepared for this level of supernatural ability to have survived everything this being had survived.

Then as he knocked on the door he found he felt like he was going to throw up and then the door opened and then a very calm man who looked very East Indian answered the door. He was about 5 foot 8 inches tall and had a very thick East Indian accent that reminded him of the guy on the Big Bang theory. In fact, he looked a lot like this same guy. So, he couldn't help but to laugh a little as he met Padma.

Padma, you see had appeared like this on purpose. He had felt Jonathan's fear of meeting the great Padmasambhava who had brought Buddhism to Tibet and also Merlin the Magician as he was known in England when he had put prince Arthur on the throne. But what Jonathan hadn't also been told was that Padma was also Saint Germain. This might be very difficult for Jonathan to take in reality.

So, Padma brought Jonathan in and asked him if he would like some Tibetan Butter Tea. Jonathan immediately said "Yes" because Tibetan Lamas traditionally gave tea to other Buddhists to recognize them as their students. So, Jonathan had already experienced this many times in India, Nepal and in the western United States when he met new Tibetan Lamas. He definitely wanted lineage with someone who had met Buddha and Jesus and who had brought Buddhism to Tibet. Jonathan was like a little child in a candy store. He started to cry and was very embarrassed. Jonathan said, "Why am I crying, Padma? I'm so embarrassed this isn't like me."

Padma saw something and was completely amazed by it. He said, "I remember you. You were the Roman Centurian Guard guarding Jesus after he was crucified!" Padma's excitement was just too much for Jonathan and Jonathan just passed out cold right there. Luckily, Padma hadn't given him the Tibetan Butter tea yet.

When Jonathan came to he was shaking. It reminded him of when he was a boy and had childhood epilepsy. He wondered why this was all happening like this. This wasn't how he wanted it to go at all.

Padma said, "I'm sorry, Jonathan. You passed out because I haven't been entirely honest with you. Remember this?" And Padma turned into the form of Saint Germain that had appeared to Jonathan when he was 25 in 1973, only this time he didn't pass out and have his brain reprogrammed by Saint Germain this time. Instead, he just felt kind of shocked and  nauseous like he wanted to throw up.

I wasn't prepared for this, Padma, uh, Saint Germain, uh whoever you are.

Padma said, "Watch this!" Immediately, Jonathan was shown a whole bunch of angels coming to his bedroom the day that Saint Germain had appeared to him. Then Padma (also Saint Germain) looked deeply into Jonathan to see if he could proceed with this initiation and wanted to make sure this wouldn't just kill Jonathan at his present age of 62.

Padma nodded and let the holographic presentation of that day, Easter 1973 continue. Jonathan was transfixed by all the angels and violet colored sacred fire as it burned out blackness out of his chest. Tears came to his eyes remembering this event once more. Jonathan's oldest son had been conceived just a few months after this experience with Saint Germain. He watched as he had passed out then after experiencing the violet colored sacred flames burn from him and cleanse his body and soul of anything not useful to Saint Germain and the angels. He found himself now years later feeling like this person he saw was someone else. He had been but 25 then and now he was 62. It was like they were two very different person with the same memories somehow. It was like Jonathan had reincarnated into another body of someone who was 62 instead of 25. He looked at Saint Germain and said, "I did everything you asked me, Saint Germain. What do I do now?"

Since Padma now had become Saint Germain for effect, Jonathan was in a really altered state of consciousness from it all. He wondered if he was going to die? But no, if this man really was his Guru Saint Germain, he wasn't here to kill him, he was here to continue his instruction. He might even be here to make him more of a siddha and even move Jonathan to becoming a Mahasiddha too. Jonathan wasn't sure what would be asked of him now after all these years of moving towards enlightenment with Saint Germain.

At this point, Saint Germain went back to being Padma and around 5 foot 8 inches tall and said to Jonathan. This is what I looked like a lot when I was 35 years old and studying with the Buddha when his body was still alive. I think this will stablize your many selves from past lives. You have known me looking like this and many others for the last 2500 years, Jonathan. Do you remember me?
Jonathan said in an otherworldly voice, "I remember you from many of my lifetimes. Will I survive this present encounter with you, Padma?"

Padma smiled, "Oh, Yes! I'm not here to initiate you into death Jonathan. I'm here to initiate you into life!"
Jonathan smiled, He had passed the test. He was going to be okay now.
He sat on the couch and looked out at the amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge and accepted the Tibetan Butter tea. He had never really gotten used to this stuff in India and Nepal either. It sort of tasted a lot like hot Buttermilk. He had never been fond of buttermilk. But his Dad had been. He remembered more than once as a kid grabbing a paper dispenser of buttermilk thinking it was milk and gagging when he drank it. But he was an adult now. He didn't have to spray hot buttermilk all over the kitchen with his mouth like he was a child again.

This time he could savor ever sip of his empowered connection to Padmasambhava who had assured him now he was also Saint Germain. Amazing!  Jonathan's mind was properly blown into a new dimension. He was free. Everything in his life would change. Again!

Padma looked out at the Golden Gate Bridge and spoke in his natural East Indian accent. He said (calming Jonathan and bringing him back to a new reality here on earth) "Jonathan. I've had this apartment now since World War II ended. After I helped create the United Nations I found it useful to be here.

Jonathan knew by personal experience now that Padma could be anything he wanted to be even this Tibetan Butter Tea if he so wished. Though Jonathan was scared he had grown used to his old Guru, no matter what form he manifested in. They watched the sun set behind the Golden Gate Bridge and talked of past lifetimes together and what Padma had in mind for Jonathan, (as his student) to do next with his life.

Jonathan Moves On

As he drove home that night after sunset in his car he felt kind of miffed at both Arcane and Padma. He felt like he had been treated like a child and not an adult. He was sort of angry at them both for putting him through all this. After all, he was a 62 year old man and didn't deserve this kind of treatment. He deserved some respect for living this long. And then, he realized just how much crap both Arcane and Padma had been through to live thousands of years each. He had reached a Zen. Then he thought about how he had always been told how he and Arcane and now Padma and King Interlaken and His Oneness of Lemuria all were from the same root soul and was getting pissed off about that and wondering about that. Then he started to question his own sanity about the whole thing. And then he started to laugh and realized that life was a joke. Yes. It was a serious joke but still a joke. All the Tibetan Lamas had said this sometimes when he felt like laughing or crying in various difficult situations in the U.S. , India and Nepal. He had noticed they always laughed about things that were just too amazing or just too difficult. This was the real secret of life, to be able to laugh at one's own existence. Not laughing yourself off a cliff to death. But instead laughing yourself sane. Because a Mahasiddha like Jesus or Buddha or now Padma and Arcane were the sanest beings in the universe. He thought the human race is mad in comparison to them. The last of his neuroses had been shattered with laughter. Padma had just turned Jonathan into a beginning Mahasiddha. He saw the signs. He was living all the signs. He finally understood Arcane when he had said, "If you live to be 100, you will be 500. If you live to be 500 you will be 1000. If you live to be 1000 you will be 5000. If you live to be 5000 you will be 10,000. And, Jonathan thought, "If we live any longer than that, I just don't want to know about it yet. It's just too much to deal with now." Jonathan just became a Mahasiddha too just meeting Padma. Amazing!

Note: ON names. Arcane: is meant simply as knowing things no longer known by most people here on Earth.
Padma literally means Lotus. So Padmasambhava means "Lotus Born". Padmasambhava was a mahasiddha from Afghanistan who became enlightened in India in the Himalayas and who taught near Nalanda Buddhist University. He is thought to have brought Buddhism to Tibet and allowed it to co-mingle with the local Bon religions. It is why Tibetan Buddhism is such an incredibly powerful yet compassionate religion.  Jonathan Flow is a combination name. it originally came 10 to 20 years ago from "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" a work by Richard Bach and combined with "Flow" which is short for "Science of the Lemurian Flow" which is a way of being like Buddha and Jesus in that they ALWAYS were in the completely right space and time to make infinite miracles happen in thousands and millions of lives for thousands and thousands of years to come. So, FLOW in this sense means Being so in tune with the God Force of the universe that everything you do has infinite positive effects towards the enlightenment of all beings inside and outside of all time and space always, past, present and future.

note: If you click the following button this next "Jonathan after Meeting Padma" follows 500BC and Padma Part 2 if you are interested.
Jonathan after Meeting Padma


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