Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Radiation in Milk and Meat in the U.S. and Elsewhere

If you actually care about your health and the health of your children longterm it is probably time to stop buying milk, all dairy products, all meat products and all fish and poultry products at least until Fukushima Nuclear plant is completely cemented in for awhile.

During Chernobyl people were much more responsible about all this than now. Part of it was because we had never suffered a complete meltdown before. and part of it was that Chernobyl because of the way the rest of the world handled it then in 1986 helped cause the collapse of the Soviet Union. And because it was very spectacular when the nuclear part of Chernobyl blew up high into the sky and
didn' t just melt down. So it scattered radiation when the nuclear rods blew up way up high into the atmosphere and it then went all around the world. So it was very clear then that people shouldn't drink milk or eat meat or any dairy products or poultry or fish until it was cemented in.

People are less responsible now because most of the world is in a semi depression state and can't afford any more economic problems. So, this time expect a whole lot less truth out of governments regarding radiation.

So, now it is up to us to protect ourselves, our families and our children. Because we can't expect a lot of honesty from any government because of the economic downturn worldwide. In other words most governments are willing for thousands to millions of people to die over the next 10 to 20 years from cancer from radiation poisoning rather than to tell the people on earth the truth about all this. This is a given. And I fully understand all this. Also, no one will be able to prove necessarily in a court of law that they are dying from radiation causes. So this lets governments off the hook legally at least. So, you will hear from them things like. "People are telling us this but there is no evidence." So, they have probable deniability except for Fukushima nuclear workers many of which likely will die over the next 5 years from too much raidiation exposure or over the next 20 years from too much exposure. And they likely will be remembered as heroes by people not only in Japan but also all around the world.

But what you need to know is this from when we all went through Chernobyl in 1986. First of all, radiation collects on grains that poultry and cows and sheep and pigs then eat. Then the radiation on the grain they eat from the air circulation concentrates in their flesh. So if you ate the grains yourself you wouldn't get a very big radiation dose and probably would be okay. However, if you drink or eat dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese kefer0 or eat anything that walks swims or flies it is just so extremely concentrated by their ingesting small amounts of radiation that you might get 100 to 1000 times the dose of just eating the grains yourselves rather than eating dairy or flesh.

And eating fish isn't any better. Because even if you manage to find non-radiated fish you still have to deal with the high mercury concentrations in fish. Because of this many people have had to resort to medical chelation treatments to clean their blood of mercury after eating too much fish from the ocean.

Now some people's diets are just so very bad anyway that they won't care at all. And maybe they will be okay and maybe they won't be okay 1, 5 , 10 or 20 years from now. But if you can afford to buy organic foods and stop dairy and meats and fish and poultry, it is a very very good idea over the next few months until after this Fukushima nuclear plant has been sealed into a cement coffin for at least 10 days to 6 weeks and the air coming from there has cleared. This doesn't mean that radiation won't affect all life on earth for thousands of years, especially from the plutonium that has a half life of 24,100 years. But there isn't much we can do about that is there?

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