Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flight attendants distribute radiation detection devices

Since the jet stream moves at an average of at least 100 miles per hour in a generally eastward motion (in the northern hemisphere, any radiation that reaches above 15,000 feet to 20,000 feet or possibly even above 10,000 feet will theoretically travel around the world (in the northern hemisphere) in an easterly direction at least once in 10 days (since the earth is approximately 24,000 miles in circumference). Since there is only a 10 day window theoretically before any of us in the northern hemisphere could be exposed by any radiation plume that reaches the jet stream within 10 days in the northern hemisphere. So at least above 10,000 feet to 20,000 feet the whole northern hemisphere has been constantly exposed(at altitude) since ten days have now passed since the first radiation plume and now is just compounding the problem every single day.

Begin quote from above article:

  • Some members will get passive radiation dosimeters
  • Devices won't sound alarm if radiation is detected; they are read later
  • Group says sufficient measures are in place to ensure safety
  • Effort is intended to provide "an added level of comfort"
Washington (CNN) -- A flight attendants' group is distributing radiation dosimeters to a sampling of its members as assurance that they are not being exposed to harmful radiation levels on trips to and from Japan.
Association of Flight Attendants President Veda Shook said the group believes that sufficient measures are in place to ensure the health and safety of flight attendants but said the dosimeters will give flight attendants "an added level of comfort."
The small, passive devices will be carried by flight attendants and read after trips; they do not "alert" or sound an alarm if radiation is detected. Some flight attendants could begin carrying the devices as soon as Monday. end quote.

And since the reprocessed Plutonium in reactor number 3 is 2 million times more toxic to all life than uranium reactors, it is my belief that people all over the earth need to start monitoring radiation levels in the air around them and doing radiation detection of all food and articles they buy including cars and trucks.

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