Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Antimatter Detector to travel to space

Antimatter detector to catch last shuttle to space
Click "catch last shuttle to space" above to read full yahoo news article begin quote.
The AMS detector will complement CERN's Large Hadron Collider, a massive atom smasher deep beneath the Swiss-French border that scientists are using to simulate conditions similar to those just after the Big Bang in the hope of better understanding the makeup of the universe.
Antimatter, which the device was primarily designed to find, is sometimes referred to as the evil twin of ordinary matter and scientists believe the Big Bang created both in equal amounts — meaning that, in theory, there should be an identical universe to ours out there made entirely of antimatter.
end quote.

Many people likely haven't heard the idea of an identical antimatter universe. As an intuitive when I first had contact with one of what I call "The Creators" which is a species of very long lived non-physical (at least as we know it) beings that create Galaxies much like we farm the earth. Instead of farming the earth they farm the universe.  If what the Creators have told me is true "Starting during the 1980s" then this theory is true about there being an antimatter universe is true. At my first contact I was driving along Interstate 5 North late at night towards Mt. Shasta. It was between 9pm and midnight and I was looking up at the Stars because there was little or no light to the sides of the Hiway so I could see the Milky Way Galaxy as I drove. I was asking in my mind about the Galaxy and how it really formed and got an answer from a being as big as a star. (Actually it likely was a star). This being told me that there actually was an antimatter universe that could be reached by falling into a black hole. But for me this sounded like originally trying to break the sound barrier or worse. And what would one find there if they got there? The being I was speaking with said something like, "Oh. You wouldn't want to go through a Black Hole wearing a physical body because you wouldn't survive. But you could soul travel there."

Since I had soul traveled to the Center of the Galaxy in the  early 1970s this being (likely a Star) knew that I was capable of something like that. However, the fact that an antimatter universe existed that was a polar complement to our physical Galaxy interested me. However, going there did not. As an intuitive I had a very bad feeling of doing something like that which reminded me of my terrifying experience when I first soul traveled out beyond our Galaxy. I was in my mid 20s when i first attempted to soul travel out beyond our galaxy. This experience scared me so bad I stopped soul traveling mostly consciously for about 5 years. The experience then of going out beyond the boundaries of this galaxy could best be described as suddenly finding oneself at midnight naked in an ocean thousands of miles from land and alone. This wasn't something I wanted to repeat. However, I have heard of yogis who like this place because everything out of balance in one's consciousness falls off there. So, for them it is a place to shed everything not completely useful to a yogi or adept. But for me at age 25 it was just a place to cease to be human and die at that point. Later, I learned by being around Tibetan Lamas what the Void is and how not to be afraid of it and so I became comfortable with it just like one becomes comfortable with the concept of alligators and crocodiles and other big wild things eventually even up close with time. Later I learned to soul travel in my 30s to other galaxies.

Note: though almost anyone can soul travel and do what I have done the problem is that most people aren't psychologically suited (at least at present) to do this without damaging themselves in our present world culture. So, it is about as dangerous soul traveling to another Galaxy as surfing a 30 to 50 foot wave on the ocean. The problem is you might not survive it. Traveling around the solar system and into the sun is about as dangerous as surfing a 5 to 10 foot wave. In other words you have to know what you are doing to survive it. Going to the center of the Galaxy one has to know they belong there and will be welcomed or that could be a problem too. I have done all three starting consciously in the 1970s.

But it is not for everyone so be  very careful.  I suppose as doing this gets more acceptable by mystics and yogi types around the world there could be many more of us traveling around learning about things. But, for now please be careful if you are going to do stuff like this.

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