Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Different Kind of Healing

During my life I have met or heard about many people who have been given up for dead by doctors. Even I in 1998 was not expected to live throughout the year. And yet many of us have recovered partially or completely in my case and sometimes lived another 50 or 70 years even after being given up for dead. So, it is not uncommon for people who are diagnosed as near death to recover and to continue their lives.

One such case is Bobby Lake-Thom in his autobiography “Call of the Great Spirit”. He was dying from Osteoarthritis and couldn’t stand the pain anymore and tried to kill himself. But while trying to kill himself through an overdose prayed to God “The Great Spirit” and woke up the next day still alive miraculously. This book begins his journey of healing after being given up for dead. His journey takes him to the Hoopa Indian Reservation in Northern California to a Native American (Doctor) “Medicine Man” and a new life and path for Bobby Lake-Thom.

In my own case I had an undiagnosed case of Heart Virus. It wasn’t diagnosed until I was over it and my Heart Specialist finally was able to diagnose it through a process of elimination. So I spent from around September 1998 until May 1999 being told by doctors that they didn’t think I would make it until it was over. Around 75% to 85% of people with heart virus’ die of panic when they cannot oxygenate their blood. I survived for two biological reasons. The first reason is that I was raised from birth a vegetarian and the second was that I had learned a disconnection meditation with Tibetan Lamas in Oregon, Santa, Cruz, California and in India and Nepal when I was there from December 1985 until April 1986. And so at age 50 I had the clearest arteries and veins that any of my heart specialists and nurses had ever seen during an angiogram at Stanford Medical near Stanford University in Northern California. They also tried Electrical Heart Stimulation by the foremost Doctor in the country in this specialty. There was nothing he could do for me either. However, there were two or more things that I had going for me besides being raised a vegetarian. First, I had had an experience with Angels when I first had heart virus symptoms and my lips turned blue in the bathroom mirror and my arms were somewhat numb at my sides. When I walked into the living room after I called my son to come and take me to the hospital I had a visitation by angels. At first I thought they had come for me and that I was dying. So I prepared for death thinking they had come for me. However, instead the many angels that surrounded me in a circle began to chant in unison, “You aren’t going to die! Your Life will get better now!” Even though my physical mind couldn’t really believe this yet, their words seemed to convince my subconscious mind and my body of this fact. So, this is probably the main reason I’m still alive. It was the angels that compelled me to go on living on God’s behalf.

So, now I recognize each day that I am only alive because God and his angels demanded it of me. So to honor God and all of you I now live out almost every day one of my visions from my vision quest in 1983 under the protection at a distance of about 4 miles of a medicine man from Eagle Cliffs on the South Fork of the Trinity River. In that particular vision caused by praying and no water or food for 4 days and nights I became a 50 foot tall golden dragon that breathed out fire upon everyone. But this fire did not burn people it enlightened them. And when the fire touched them they began to smile with new found enlightenment. And so by writing for all of you here in the past, present and future I bring the fire from the 50 foot tall golden dragon of enlightenment straight from the heart of God. And this is why God insisted I stay alive and be brave enough to write for you. And I have ever since 1999 when I started my first website online as soon as I knew I wasn’t going to die. Most of that archive site is now at:


which is in addition to this site of intuitivefred888. Blogspot.com

So, as God inspires me each day and night I write to share all my experiences and realizations of enlightenment to take both you and I home to our creator in a real way.

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