Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3rd gen. GMO consumers will be unable to reproduce

My daughter was telling me about  study she read that it has been proven that GMO eaters (most of the people in the U.S.) if they are now between 15 and 50 years of age their grandchildren will be unable to reproduce. Not only that any animals that people eat will concentrate the problem and make it much worse.

Since money has greased so many palms over the last 30 years or so GMO's (corn, wheat, soy etc) has slowly crept into the U.S. food chain. Over 75% of all main grains sold as grains or processed in any way are in this category. So, basically for profit these companies are rendering our nation encapable of reproducing within 40 to 50 years.

GMO means genetically modified organism. This usually refers to grains some of which now because of genetic modification are also licensed as insecticides. This is something to think about the next time you buy a bag of corn chips and realize you are eating corn that is licensed as a pesticide.

If you are raising animals for meat you might want to know this too. I'm not sure how many animal generations fed almost entirely on GMO grains it would take until they won't be able to reproduce either.

Since males aged 15 to 45 in the U.S. have only a 60% chance statistically of being able to have children right now today even without GMO's you can see just how serious this is.

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