Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Spirit of the Dinosaurs

As an Intuitive I have always to some degree seen the Spirit of the dinosaurs and the concept of the Spirit of Dragons as somehow one in the same. Just because the dinosaurs as they once were are physically gone it doesn't mean that they are gone in spirit.

So, one of the first things I wrote about regarding the Oil Volcano still going in the Gulf of Mexico caused by BP was that this particular oil coming up is likely from the blood and bones of dinosaurs that died in the big asteroid crash into earth there in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. In fact, it is said that the Gulf of Mexico today in it's shape and size came directly from that asteroid hit on earth that killed off all dinosaurs too big to hide in caves and crevices from the nuclear winter type of situation that followed the asteroid hit then.

Even we as humans are indirectly related to those dinosaurs through our reptillian back brain which is one of the several elements of a modern day human beings brain that kept evolving from the primate or pre-primate creatures that lived 65 million years ago here on earth.

So, I believe now as an intuitive that somehow the physical essence, "The real blood of the dinosaurs" is now coming to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico to warn us of our own potential doom when the next asteroid bounces off the atmosphere of Earth under the satellites in 2029.

I was watching "The Last Airbender"(a movie) with my family and when Ang went into his vision state and visited the dragon it made me think of the fact of the blood of the dinosaurs now coming up in the Gulf and what it might mean to all of us.

Though they lived 65 million years ago now dinosaurs are still in many ways our dna ancestors and as spirits might think of us much like their children and much the way that dragons often communicate with Seers and Avatars in stories like "The Last Airbender".

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