Friday, July 9, 2010

To Develop your Gifts

I was walking down the trail in the forest near my home on the northern California Coast. I noticed a butterfly kept taking off and landing in front of me like it was clearing the way for me. It did this for over a block in length and I was both amazed and surprised by this. I asked it why it was doing this and it said to me something like, "I am an emissary of immortality for you. I clear the way for you in nature so that all the nature spirits see that you are now trusted." But when we came near to a paved road(about 50 feet or so) it said, "I can't go any further into the world of men, Good Bye."

I realized then that this is just one more sign of how I am trusted more and more by nature spirits and the Earth herself. It made me think of when the statement was made, "And the rocks called out his name." When I first read this as a child I didn't know what it meant and wondered at the sound of it. But now, over the years starting in early 1980 when the very rocks began to speak to me at first I thought it was crazy. But in the next few months or so one of the medicine men I was studying with said to me, "The Karuk people have had medicine people who have communicated with the rock people for thousands of years in an unbroken lineage." So it was no surprise that they now began speaking with me too, I realized."

On this latest visit to the mountains and wilderness for around a month in two two week segments I am finding that in nature one can find both communion but also deep communication that can help stabilize all aspects of one's life.

So, if you want to develop your gifts (intuitive and instinctual) to help you in the coming times which might be very difficult all over earth in multiple ways one should learn to be able to sense what is first going on in whatever area one finds themselves in. So, if there is danger you know it when you are a block or more away from it so you can steer your family away from any danger to their well being or safety. One does this by checking to see how often one is right about these things but also if one is quiet enough what one feels in one's stomach about a person or place if often the correct thing. Often people who have bad intentions will try to "sweet talk" you into something that doesn't feel right. So always honor your feelings and make up an excuse and just walk away quickly to protect your family and friends or just yourself.

So, developing your gifts helps you to survive difficult situations and helps your family and friends as well. Often you intuitive gifts will keep you alive when intellectual genius might just get your killed or maimed. Einstein once said something like, "Intelligence isn't very useful without common sense to go along with it." I have known many geniuses in intellect and often they don't survive very long because they don't have the common sense to go along with it so that the intelligence would actually be useful to themselves and others.

So, if you want to live a long time and have a good and happy life develop your gifts that lead to common sense and intuition and instinct because intelligence alone is dangerous just by itself. I have heard of many brilliant people and geniuses drive their cars off of cliffs, overdose on drugs and off themselves in so many different ways to think that intellectual genius is really the answer to anything by itself. Only with common sense and intuition and instinct intact is it worth anything at all.

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