Sunday, October 20, 2024

"There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it and nothing so bad that no good may come of it": Descartes

 I was taught that everything was either good or bad or right or wrong and there wasn't any leeway between these ideas.

However, then in Studying Philosophy in College I heard this statement from Descartes which is sort of like a "Nondualistic Statement" about everything in life.

After studying this idea I started to realize that most of the right wrong good bad ideas actually don't hold water in the real world ONLY the theoretical world.

So, then I learned to see things sort of like the weather.

Is snow good or bad?

It is both and neither.

Is Rain Good or Bad?

It depends upon who it is happening to and where they are located when it happens.

Is Wind good or bad?

It depends upon how much wind and where someone is and what they are doing when this wind occurs.

You can go on and on if you want to regarding the weather.

And likewise most things in life are like this if you are smart enough to see what I'm talking about.

IF you are teaching children often you want to make sure they think that some things are good and some things are bad for a variety of reasons. But then, when you actually get to adulthood you begin to see that many other things are actually true instead.

So, this is when in College I started to realize that the single most important thing in life was compassion for yourself and all other beings.

I have been trying to live in reality this compassion towards myself and all other beings ever since.

A Pragmatic way of saying this is:

"Be as kind to others and yourself as you can be and still survive."

But, if you don't survive your life what is going to happen to all the people that depend upon you like your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends?

So, just staying alive so you can help your family and friends might be the biggest compassion you can do for everyone that you can think of.

By God's Grace

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