Monday, October 28, 2024

Things I have learned to take over the years when going remote in my 4 wheel drive truck

Mostly I like going remote around Mt. Shasta in the Spring Summer or Fall depending upon the weather that year.

But here are the things I find useful to take that I mostly learned the Hard way that I need them.

First of all, often if you are going remote there is no cell service (AT ALL) so if you don't have a Forest Service Map of that area and you get lost, Good Luck!

Second I try to take with me a down or other really warms sleeping bag at least one that my wife and I coudl share and survive in an emergency overnight if we were stuck overnight somewhere in the Bush.

Third I like to always have a BIC lighter in the Glove Compartment. Why a Bic Lighter and not matches?

Matches can get wet unless you have one of those screw top things that are usually metal that sometimes can keep your matches dry in the rain. So, a Bic or other lighter you trust for lighting a fire to stay warm so you don't die wherever you are in the bush is a good idea.

next, I carry a 12 volt (because my 4 wheel drive is 12 volt) Air compressor I can plug into a lighter in my truck (or it could have a USB connection if you have USB ports in your car or truck).

Next, I bought a 12 ton hydraulic jack. Why?

Because I found out that the stock jack that they gave me for my Tundra didn't work in an emergency when I needed it too one time.

Also, I like to have a hatchet that I have along for cutting some wood for a fire if I need a fire to survive in the bush in an emergency.

Also, it's a nice idea to have a spare pair of clothes and even a spare jacket or wool hat for emergencies too. Especially if you are someone with you falls down in a lake or stream and gets wet 50 or 100 miles from the nearest person while you are 4 wheeling on a dirt or rock road somewhere.

These plus any food or water you want along are some of the basic things you need to survive in the wilderness in your truck or car in a real emergency.

Because if you don't have cell service then no one is going to rescue you unless you have a Iphone 14 or newer smart phone which can act like a Satellite phone on 911 in an emergency. I think all the newer ones like the 15 and 16 are also like this I believe but it would be worth checking because I don't know for sure at this point. 

However, if you get lost away from your vehicle you might still not survive then either. So, then you need to take some of this stuff with with you in case you get lost away from your vehicle and cannot get back to it within 12 or 24 hours time in an emergency.

I have spent a lot of time in the Bush various places on earth for 76 years now so I know what I'm talking about regarding surviving anything in the Bush anywhere on earth. If you aren't prepared for literally anything then you will not survive Anything when it happens. So, Be Prepared for everything if possible in your life.

Good Luck!

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