Thursday, November 26, 2009


In case you haven't noticed I have always been a coastal Californian and we tend to be very unapologetic about trying new things and those things that work we continue to use and do ongoing until we find something better.

In the last year or two I found something quite useful. First, I noticed my wife's Venus razors for shaving legs, underarms and private areas. I noticed the technology was superior with three razors and thought to myself, "If they can sell these to women to shave really sensitive areas I bet this would give me a good shave too. And I was right. It was the best closest shave I ever had with the least amount of problems and pain of any razor unless it was a straight razor at the barber's. So I had my wife buy some more cartridges for me and got a blue handle to fit it. Now I take my Venus razors into the shower and with soap get the best shaves. I have found that I can shave just by feel and even though I have a mustache if I grab the end of it with one hand while shaving that area I don't accidentally cut the end off. So, Now I have the best of all shaving worlds, hot water to soften my beard, a great razor and great techniques. Now shaving is not just a pain in the ass like it has been the last 45 years or so it is almost fun!

I hated shaving so much in my 20s that I wore beard whenever my job allowed me to. And so I would say about 40% of the time since I was 21 or 22 I have worn a beard. And I would say that 80% of the time I had at least a mustache. You could always tell when I was in the most distress in my life. My hair would be cut very short and I would be clean shaven. When you saw me like that I was preparing to change or die usually. So, if I'm wearing at least a mustache I'm feeling pretty good about my life.

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