Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dioxin and Agent Orange

Dioxin is found in the old herbicide 24d and Agent Orange, Purple,Pink, and Green). They were called the "Rainbow Herbicides" and were used upon the Viet Nam DMZ between 1961 and 1971. Birth defects of all living things still occur in this area because of this spraying. It is harmful to anything with DNA on earth and unlike most other toxics there IS NO safe level for any living thing. The primary problem for humans exposed to it is reproduction as in deformed children or children with multiple heads, legs or other appendages.

All life on earth has some dioxin present in its tissues both plant and animal at this point.

Even home sprays like roundup are said to be highly modified dioxin based sprays that are related to both Agent Orange and 24d.

I cannot be specific about the following point because I did not find the original quote but it appeared to me that it said that dioxin could exist in its present chemical form damaging human and plant dna for hundreds of years or more. So anywhere it has been used it will affect all lifeforms plant, human, animal, bird, insect etc. until it breaks down into something else.

So, for example, if you eat something that has been feeding in dioxin contaminated areas, like birds, fish etc. the concentrations of dioxin would or could be off the charts as both fish and birds and other animals that people eat concentrate this dioxin in their flesh. So eating dioxin contaminated meat could have serious carcinogenic or reproductive consequences to the consumer of the contaminated meat or fish and their children who would be naturally affected by all sorts of problems from their parents consumption of contaminated fish and meat.

This is one of the reasons I don't use any herbicides or insecticides in my yard. It may make more work but I don't want to endanger myself, my family, my pets or even wild animals, friends or relatives who visit.

Because of this I still get frogs in my yard which are extremely sensitive to insecticides and herbicides but none of my neighbors do. People use herbicides or pesticides might find a dead frog but are unlikely to find a live one in proximity to where they have recently sprayed.

Also, all paper that is white is white only because of dioxin. So only paper that is a natural brown does not have dioxin in it. It used to be also in feminine products and was the cause of toxic shock syndrome which killed many women before the 1980s. So, all white toilet paper, napkins etc. have dioxin in them. When any of this white paper is burnt at dumps or in home incinerators the air can become a carcinogen carrier of dioxin and other toxics. Since it is a man made toxic with no safe level at all for any dna based lifeform human, animal or bird, fish or plant or insect it will continue to cause havoc with reproduction of all species both plant and animal as long as it exists on earth and doesn't break down into something else, which could be hundreds of years after it is manufactured.

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