Monday, May 18, 2009

AP Economic Stress Index: Measuring financial Strain by county

The above website will take you to an interactive stress index site that will display unemployment figures and economic stress levels for every county in the 50 U.S. states.

You will notice that California and ORegon are very severely affected by the changes. The root cause for California and Oregon is the billions of dollars in electrical rate overcharging done to them by Enron and other unscrupulous electrical companies who used our electrical regulatory systems against us and FERC(Federal Energy regulatory Commission?) refused to help. Now the whole nation is paying the price for what happened when billions were stolen from the western states. No way has been found to pay back those billions to the states so California might still go bankrupt at some time in the future because of this. Though I know Jackson county went bankrupt I'm not sure whether Oregon is in danger of going bankrupt as well.

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