Thursday, May 21, 2009

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

I seldom go to Trader Joe's with my wife to buy food. It is one of the healthiest and yet inexpensive place to buy good food around these days as long as you watch out for frozen things that don't get rotated much like quiche made with eggs which I got salmonella poisoning from from non rotation about 3 years ago in the summer.

However, as we were checking out my wife introduced me to the checker there and he said to me, "So you get to stay home and benefit from this woman's work?" And I said, "Yes. I'm retired and yes, 'truth is stranger than fiction'. To which my wife said, "Watch out. He's waxing philosophic. Is that a comment on marriage?" And I said, "NO. It's a comment on life. The checker said, "Then I'll see you again?" and I said, "Yes. Quite likely.

In life I have found that just when you get used to things being one way, they change. So if you cannot change then you will mentally or emotionally or physically die, one or all. I have been through many emotional deaths and quite a few mental deaths but so far I have managed to physically be alive since 1948 through about 100 or more slightly different Freds. At core, I'm still the kind young scientist and mystic that I was between 8 or 10 years old with a lot more experience and armor and enlightenment going on. So, the secret is somehow staying childlike enough so people still like and love you without becoming so childish or cold so that no one wants to know you anymore.

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