Thursday, May 14, 2009

Patenting Human Genes: A New road to human slavery?

The article in is called "How Human Genes Become Patented"

The real problem I can see with allowing any human genes to become patented is that it is a slippery slope on its way to owning a person or everyone.

It is the same problem in some ways as patenting seeds, it could cause starvation by any person or corporation patenting any seed like rice, corn, wheat or soy or other. Patenting genes or seeds both take us down a slippery slope toward either starvation or slavery. If this continues on both fronts it will cause a human revolution at some point to set things right. It isn't a matter of if but of when.

Seeds and genes cannot be allowed to be patented because consequences could end human freedoms and human rights and cause mass starvation as well as the potential end of humans on earth. Think about it.

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