Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Frustration

As an intuitive I'm sensing a lot of frustration in all life on earth, human and otherwise. This isn't good for "Peace on Earth" and all that. I think all life on earth has to find a way to more quickly adapt to less, less rain, less gas, maybe even less food and hopefully the food people do get is of a higher quality so more goes further and gives more miles per person so they can survive all this.

Change is never easy. For those of you who have it easy now just remember how hard it was growing up trying to adapt to everything and all the changes. Only now it is not just children and teenagers that are feeling it, it is everyone!

The biggest problem I can foresee with this level of frustration and anger worldwide is that the likely outcome will be war. Not the teeny little wars we have seen where a few thousand die since the Soviet Union collapsed but the potential for wars where millions die. This, for me, is something completely new and completely unexpected. So even the crazy stuff going on with North Korea could very easily spin out of control and North Korea could wind up being just a crater in the Pacific ocean with South Korea an island. Also, Iran and Israel might be craters too. That is just how crazy things are lately. I think just too many people have had to change too much too fast and it has left millions and sometimes billions screaming in rage and terror and confusion. When there are too many walking wounded in the world incapable of making useful decisions big wars happen. Just study the history of the 20th century!

I think prayers and being kind to those in distress that won't harm you is a good idea to keep things better glued together worldwide.

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