Friday, April 16, 2010

Explosive Interaction of Magma(lava) and Glaciers

The ash cloud appears to be so big and causing so much trouble in europe precisely because of the frozen glaciers meeting hot lava from the magma of the earth. So the Glaciers explosively turn to water and steam and the lava explodes into fine dust and is carried up by the steam which become water vapor clouds combined with lava dust. When a plane flies through one of these one reporter said "It would be like throwing a bucket of beach sand into a jet engine or engines". So the end result is that the sand kills the engine, the engine quits and will never restart. If this happened to all the engines of a jet whether it be one or two or three or four or even eight, the plane is going to come out of the sky as a really fast glider and landing a heavy jet as a glider is very very difficult on land and barely manageable on water at all if you want the passengers and pilots and crew to survive the crash landing. Since no one on a passenger plane tends to have a parachute because the speeds at which a jet travels prevent this unless it was done like a fighter jet. And since most people are not young enough or healthy enough to survive being exploded out of a jet like a fighter jet pilot ejecting it just isn't done. So the only way to keep pilots crews and passengers alive is not to fly through this stuff at all.

Flight disruptions in Europe get even worse 

I found the above article that you can read from yahoo news that starts with the word button "Flight"
to be very informative and useful to read of you are interested in the plight of the Iceland people in all this commotion throughout Europe and soon to be worldwide. It is said to be the greatest disruption known now of air travel in Europe and likely will continue to be for some time. The amount of time is at present unknown.

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