Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party?

From what I can see on TV and read in the newspaper and online Tea Party activists seem to be pissed off at all the changes to the U.S. But if someone is realistic and really studies how we all got here one needs to study the last 110 years at least. We didn't get into this fix overnight. Nor will we get out of this fix overnight. And ALL presidents both Republican and Democratic got us here along with ALL of the decisions of everyone in the U.S. and for that matter on Earth.

So blaming the Obama Administration for problems created by literally Everyone for over 100 years demonstrates just how uninformed and basically unrealistic the Tea Party people are. I haven't seen anything that tells me that they are well informed about how we got here. All I see is a bunch of angry people who are mad the world is changing. Well. I'm mad too. The difference is I see how we got here. They don't seem to as far as I can tell. Unless you can see all the steps that got us here you can't really see a useful long term solution. So being angry is good. It has helped me survive well. It is the best survival tool we have. However, unless you take the time to actually do some actual research and to get away from rumor and mob mentality you aren't go to accomplish anything lasting for yourselves or your children or their children. Being realistic enough to get the facts straight is a good start.

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