Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Traveling on the Web

I'm sure this might have happened to you as well. I started with my blog article "Flying Robots" about the fact that most passenger planes can be taken off, flown and landed by remote control and that pilots tend to be more like flying robot managers than anything else. I'm not sure I totally like the idea but it is the way things are these days. In fact when I drilled down from some of the word buttons from my quote from wikipedia keyword "robotics" I found amazing note pages that took me to a Boeing site about how the first landing a new passenger Boeing jet tends to be a robotic landing about 200 miles outside of Seattle by test pilots. From there I visited other sites that were related at first to flying and robotics and found something called the "Sticky Gecko robot" I believe that is made at Stanford and climbs glass panes and has special feet that hang onto glass like a real gecko does. This was somewhere out at

From there I found myself looking at other hybrid bicycles and tricycles from all over the world including a human hybrid that encloses the human rider inside a two wheels the same size (about 6 feet high) and runs on pedal power and solar cells to a battery and electrical motor. The two wheels can turn in opposite directions for turning. I found myself then looking at various 2 or more wheeled experiemental hybrids (mostly 3 wheeled) made all around the world by inventors. It's amazing just how interesting it all can be. However, since what I really needed to do was go to sleep because I was really tired, now I actually need to just go to sleep. Sweet Dreams!

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