Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ice melting causes changes in weight distribution on earth

Is the Earth striking back?

I found the above news article at
The following is a quote from it:

Both Iceland and the United States exalt democracy as a social achievement worthy of lasting an eternity. Yet the latter's unprecedented strength has derived not just from enlightened government, but from the release of its own hot clouds: exhaust from its vast industries, fleets and mechanized agriculture.
As we have learned, these gases form an invisible barrier that, like a greenhouse's glass ceiling, keeps reflected heat of the sun from escaping our atmosphere. The denser that gaseous barrier grows, the hotter things get and the faster glaciers melt.
As they flow off the land, we are warned, seas rise. Yet something else is lately worrying geologists: the likelihood that the Earth's crust, relieved of so much formidable weight of ice borne for many thousands of years, has begun to stretch and rebound.
As it does, a volcano awakens in Iceland (with another, larger and adjacent to still-erupting Eyjafjallajokull, threatening to detonate next). The Earth shudders in Haiti. Then Chile. Then western China. Mexicali-Calexico. The Solomon Islands. Spain. New Guinea. And those are just the big ones, 6+ on the Richter scale, and just in 2010. And it's only April.
It's looking like this may be a long decade. And if we don't pull carbon out of the way we energize our lives soon, a small clump of our not-too-distant surviving descendants may find themselves, as Gaia scientist James Lovelock has direly predicted, like the first Icelanders: gathered on some near-barren hunk of rock near one of the still-habitable poles, trying yet anew to eke out a plan for human civilization. end quote.

There are two sentences   in there that really struck me.  They are:
"As they flow off the land, we are warned, seas rise. Yet something else is lately worrying geologists: the likelihood that the Earth's crust, relieved of so much formidable weight of ice borne for many thousands of years, has begun to stretch and rebound."

I too, have been worried that with the added weight no longer at the poles but dispersed throughout the oceans, clouds, lakes, snow rivers etc. it completely changed the dynamics of the weight distribution of earth. It is no surprise to me that the crusts would change like they are. It is just like if you took a foot square of ice and put it in a swimming pool. Within a short time on a sunny day that ice turns to water and could be anywhere in the pool at all along with all the new weight in different locations. So when the ice caps melts the entire balance of earth changes just as if you whittled off some of the wood on top of a spinning top and glued it other places on the spinning top. It would change the characteristics of the spin of Earth but it would also alter how the crust and the plates relate to each other because of the changing weight displacement. It will be even more extreme in the changes when all the ice melts off the north and the south pole alternately during the coming many seasons.

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