Friday, April 9, 2010

Solar Powered Paint

I was just playing my 14 year old daughter a video linked from my previous article on the Solar Impulse Airplane and she said, "Well. There is now solar powered paint." I went, "What!" So then I Googled "Solar Powered Paint" and you know she is absolutely right. There is solar powered paint and here are several articles about it and a video that came  from a theoretician who helped it be created.

Solar-power paint lets you generate as you decorate - tech - 07 ...


Spray-On Solar-Power Cells Are True Breakthrough      This is a video but is mostly audio.

Solar-Powered Paint Could Produce 4500 GW-Hrs a Year!

The above article is from eco-geek and is very interesting.


Spray-On Solar-Power Cells Are True Breakthrough

The previous article is from National Geographic.

So all the previous word buttons are from about 2005 to 2008 for those of you who like myself never heard of solar powered paint. Amazing!



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