Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Little Creatures

A sea change happened in my life when I took Ahimsa Vows in 1983. Ahimsa Vows means that you vow not to kill anything. Keeping the vow especially in regard to insects is very very hard. It is relatively easy not to kill animals (at least it is for me). However, not killing spiders I found very hard at first, also mosquitos. I can't say I always succeed with mosquitos, but most of the time if a spider is large I simply lightly grab it with a paper towel or tissue and put it out the window unharmed. The advantage to this is that the spiders sometimes survive okay outside and eat bugs that could be harmful to my family. There is a spider called in California "Daddy Longlegs" because of its very long legs in relation to its body. Even though it is the most poisonous spider on earth its bite cannot penetrate human skin so we aren't harmed by it just every other spider. So, if I find one of these I let them live in my house until they are the size of a quarter to eat all the other biting and jumping spiders that might be in the house. But at quarter size (just the legs) I put them out the window too.

Recently, a Mosquito hawk( a large bug that lives on mosquitos) I tried to put out the window so it would survive longer but it wanted to stay with me. Sometimes I think that friends or students from past lives come to me in little creature forms for my blessing sometimes. Since I was taught the Tibetan Version of  the Japanese prayer "Namo Amida Butsu" which takes all beings to the "Land of Pure Joy" which is the nearest heaven realm that is the easiest one to reach from Earth I have watched it send both humans and animals that are dying or who have recently died to this heaven realm from which all heaven realms can be reached.

From "The Land of Pure Joy" once the soul is safely there, it can then go to the heaven or heavens in which it actually belongs. It is a way to safely carry souls to a safe heaven realm so they don't needlessly suffer in the transition.

When I first learned to consciously soul travel God allowed me to look into many heaven realms. I was very surprised that there actually are heavens for all religions and philosophies. So, in actuality there is no real need to fight over religions and who is right and who is wrong. Maybe something is gained by all the fighting but I chose to give up all that fighting about 1000 years ago. In that life I met Saint Francis of Assisi and I renounced fighting. The lives of the last 1000 years have been well spent since I gave up fighting. Because "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword".

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